McClain Printing Company Books

... and live forever
... and live forever

... and live forever (ISBN 0-87012-168-5)

... and live forever

ISBN 0-87012-168-5

By Mariwyn McClain Smith

“No one person could have written ... and live forever. No one person could have known the thousands of persons named, visited the hundreds of communities and related their histories first-hand. It took one hundred and fifty people, their parents, siblings, spouses and children, their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren, their neighbors and friends to complete the stories found in this book.

“The history of virtually every nook and cranny of Tucker County is retold, by those who lived through the rise and fall of towns built on the riches of coal, railroads, and timber....”

Originally published in 1974, this book contains 536 pages with over 130 photos and interviews from people living in Tucker County who had passed the beautiful age of 80. Among those interviewed were three sets of sisters, three sets of brothers, and a dozen couples. There are far too many surname entries to name them all, but among those mentioned are Arbogast, Ashby, Auvil, Bohon, Bright, Campbell, Carr, Colabrese, Cross, Davis, Dumire, Durr, Evans, Gatto, Griffith, Harper, Harsh, Hebb, Hedrick, Helmick, Holsberry, Humphrey, Irons, Johnson, Judy, Kerns, Knotts, Lipscomb, Long, Loughry, Luzier, Mauzy, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, Nestor, Ours, Parsons, Pennington, Phelps, Phillips, Ponikvar, Price, Raines, Rightmire, Shaffer, Simmons, Smith, Udovich, Watring, White, Wilfong, Wilson...

Paperback. 536 pages.


42 Inventory
@ $32.50 ea.

by William H. Rice

The 1774 Berkeley County Tithable List included in this publication has been virtually unknown to historians and genealogists in the past since it was safely tucked away in the James Wood Collection in the Handley Regional Library in Winchester, Virginia. It is the oldest known document of its kind in existence for a West Virginia county. A tithable list is the Colonial Period’s equivalent to a tax list. Paperback. 96 pages. Other books by this author are the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


10 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Add a Page -- Kena’s First Day of School
Add a Page -- Kena’s First Day of School

Add a Page -- Kena’s First Day of School (ISBN 0-87012-836-1)

Add a Page -- Kena’s First Day of School

ISBN 0-87012-836-1

by George O. Waderker

Illustrated by J.D. Williamson

Inspired by a dream six years ago, the author hopes that this book will inspire children to read and add. Fully illustrated and designed for teaching basic reading and addition, this new release is a must for pre-school and young elementary school students. Paperback. 40 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
All Mountaineers Are Libertarians
All Mountaineers Are Libertarians

All Mountaineers Are Libertarians (ISBN 0-87012-867-1)

All Mountaineers Are Libertarians

ISBN 0-87012-867-1

by David Moran

This is a book about very special people – West Virginians.

The purpose of writing this book is not to convince you to vote for me for governor – although that would be nice – but rather to encourage you to expand your thoughts about the future of our state, especially as it is guided by current conventional political forces; and, to encourage you to re-evaluate your historical unconscious reactions to political issues and political presence, especially as you make your voting plans.

This is Your State – your voice is a powerful force in creating the future. You do not have to be limited by only a few or just two choices offered to you by politicians or bureaucrats. This is Your State and you have the right and the obligation to make it great, apart from the limited dictates of only two perspectives, two points of view, two political poles, the two entrenched political parties.

Think about it – our society and economy are based upon having multiple choices, not just one or two, and exercising those choices by our free will – why is politics the only place where there are only two choices. We are providing you with another new, enlightened and productive option.

The following pages present problems and solutions. They contain issues and recommendations for your consideration. These are problems and issues that are very familiar to us all, but they are also areas that are often painful for us to think about and issues that we would rather not have to dwell upon in our busy lives. But we do have to personally address them and develop our own individual and unique opinions. That is the nature of democracy. Paperback. 152 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $11.95 ea.
All Present, Unaccounted For
All Present, Unaccounted For

All Present, Unaccounted For (ISBN 0-87012-896-5)

All Present, Unaccounted For

ISBN 0-87012-896-5

by Robert Flanagan

The war poetry began with the journal-keeping in 1964 Viet Nam, the same recorded memoirs that produced the trilogy. Many of the poems emerged in the 1970s—1980s as work produced for the MFA (Master’s in Fine Art: Creative Writing) at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, but took another 35 years to ferment into what the author felt was a body of work worthy of publication. Paperback. 126 pages. Other books by this author include Alternate Centres of Being, Bits and Pieces: The Middle Years, and Bits and Pieces: Windin' Down.


5 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
Alternate Centres of Being
Alternate Centres of Being

Alternate Centres of Being (ISBN 0-87012-897-3)

Alternate Centres of Being

ISBN 0-87012-897-3

by Robert Flanagan

This collection is “the other side” of the author's poetic ambitions, works evolving from wide-ranging travel and broad cultural exposure. Five subsequent experimental poems, which originated while working in the graduate Creative Writing program at George Mason University, Fairfax, Va., are included at the end. Paperback. 112 pages. Other books by this author include All Present, Unaccounted For, Bits and Pieces: The Middle Years, and Bits and Pieces: Windin' Down.


14 Inventory
@ $17.00 ea.
Appalachian Chains of Life and Love Poetic Musing
Appalachian Chains of Life and Love Poetic Musing

Appalachian Chains of Life and Love Poetic Musing (ISBN 0-87012-373-4)

Appalachian Chains of Life and Love Poetic Musing

ISBN 0-87012-373-4

by David E. Tarr

Chains are connecting links that both unite and divide or protect and confine, often at the same time. The Appalachian chain of mountains has physically and socially done much the same. The hills and valleys have protected and sometimes restrained their people. Born in Appalachia, my family has been associated with the glass industry rather than coal. Therefore, Appalachia is not all mine shafts, floods and disasters -- at least not to me. Having lived and studied in several places across the country, I have found no greater latitude for the zest of living, loving or losing, than within the dignity and innate sophistication of Appalachians. These poems were written while living in the area and about such folk. David E. Tarr, author. Paperback. 80 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
Appalachian Ghost Stories and Other Tales
Appalachian Ghost Stories and Other Tales

Appalachian Ghost Stories and Other Tales (ISBN 0-87012-203-7)

Appalachian Ghost Stories and Other Tales

ISBN 0-87012-203-7

by James Gay Jones

Consists of an introductory essay on the Appalachian setting and a choice selection of folk stories about ghosts, true experiences, and tall tales. Paperback. 112 pages. Other books by this author are Haunted Valley, More Appalachian Folk Stories, and A Wayfaring Sineater. . . .

1975. Thirteenth Printing, 2013.

430 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Appalachian Gothic Tales
Appalachian Gothic Tales

Appalachian Gothic Tales (ISBN 0-87012-577-X )

Appalachian Gothic Tales

ISBN 0-87012-577-X

by Jean Battlo

A unique look into the gothic world in Appalachia through short stories and histories. The author, a playwright, explores the mysteries of this tradition-rich culture through her tales. Paperback. 110 pages. Other books by this author include Kimball, West Virginia 1911-2011 Still Standing -- Birth of the Small Town in the N&W Era, Mahotep Synod, and A Pictorial History of McDowell County. . ..

1997. Second Printing 1999.

22 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Appalachian Legacy & The Quest
Appalachian Legacy & The Quest

Appalachian Legacy & The Quest (ISBN 0-87012-750-0)

Appalachian Legacy & The Quest

ISBN 0-87012-750-0

by Enoch Hicks

Herein is a window into the past. This book was written about actual events that occurred in my younger life and my quest to learn more about coal and other forms of energy. Appalachia was populated with people from many different countries. Most large coal companies employed agents in Europe to ... Hardback with dust jacket. 256 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
Basketball Behind the Box Score
Basketball Behind the Box Score

Basketball Behind the Box Score (ISBN 0-87012-737-3)

Basketball Behind the Box Score

ISBN 0-87012-737-3

by Pete Isner

There is more to basketball than pass, dribble, and shoot; Basketball Behind the Box Score gives players, coaches, and fans a new look at the game to improve the players physically, mentally, and to help boost self-confidence. Paperback. 64 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Bemis and Glady
Bemis and Glady

Bemis and Glady (ISBN 0-87012-758-6 )

Bemis and Glady

ISBN 0-87012-758-6

by Steve Bodkins

This narrative uncovers the exciting history that gave rise to the towns of Bemis, Glady, Flint, Montes, Woodrow, and Morribell and, eventually, their decline. Local cemetery, marriage, and census records covering periods from 1865 to the present make this book a genealogist’s guidebook into the past. Forty pages of biographies outline the lives of men and women who are the backbone of these communities, providing a crosssection of people who made up the towns. Completely indexed with the most important events, people and places identified. Nearly all information is verified with reputable sources which are identified in detailed endnotes. Three hundred pictures of the towns, people, schools, teachers, trains, mills, mines, bridges and government provide an excellent pictorial sampling of the area. Many of these pictures were uncovered during ten years of research and are presented for the first time in this book. The author is pleased to offer this narrative as his commitment to preserving the history of Bemis & Glady, its settlement by our ancestors, their industrial booms, and other important events. Hardbound. 616 pages. Another book by this author is Forgotten Towns....

2006. Second Printing, 2009.

18 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
Bits & Pieces: The Middle Years
Bits & Pieces: The Middle Years

Bits & Pieces: The Middle Years (ISBN 0-87012-906-6)

Bits & Pieces: The Middle Years

ISBN 0-87012-906-6

by Robert Flanagan

This collection is Book 3 of a four-book, on-going series by author/columnist Robert Flanagan to recreate and present a 6-year selection of his newspaper column “Bits & Pieces,” originally published weekly in the Hampshire Review, Romney, W.Va., over a 19-year period, September 1999 - June 2018.

A writer since youth, the author did not come to his advanced state by any route of convention. A long military career, followed by two corporate jobs, a stint of college teaching, with a durable marriage and family commitments, delayed educational aspirations, finishing his second post-graduate degree at age 46.

And his major work — “The ASA Trilogy,” three contiguous novels about a covert military intelligence world in Viet Nam and the Cold War — was not accomplished in the supportive atmosphere of agent reviews-publisher encouragement; “The End” was penned in a small hotel’s garden in Salzburg, Austria, in the late autumn dusk while on a 50th wedding anniversary gift journey, 43 years after the trilogy’s beginning with journals and notes in 1964 Viet Nam. Four more years remained before the third volume saw print.

The author lived/served in seven countries, traveled in 41 others; lived/served in 12 U.S. states, traveling in all 50, and his work is suffused with those experiences, perspectives and variegated life. Beyond international interests, his works embody varied subjects: cats, grandchildren, literature, wines, food, wars, Irish Whiskey and the improbable, intemperate behavior of fellow human beings.

A challenging, informative, fun read despite its factual basis, Flanagan — an ardent proponent and practitioner of the use of irony in all things written — cautions the reader on this and his other works: “Don’t take all this (his projected vision) too seriously. There’s no way any of us are going to get out of here alive!” Paperback. 364 pages. Other books by this author include All Present, Unaccounted For, Alternate Centres of Being, and Bits and Pieces: Windin' Down.


4 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Bits & Pieces: Windin' Down
Bits & Pieces: Windin' Down

Bits & Pieces: Windin' Down (ISBN 0-87012-918-X)

Bits & Pieces: Windin' Down

ISBN 0-87012-918-X

by Robert Flanagan

This, Book 4 and last in the series, is the final collection of selected pieces from my long-running newspaper column, “Bits & Pieces,” published weekly in the Hampshire Review, Romney, W.Va., September 1999—June 2018. Paperback. 412 pages. Other books by this author are All Present, Unaccounted For, Alternate Centres of Being, and Bits & Pieces: The Middle Years.


7 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Bittersweet with Pearls to Ponder
Bittersweet with Pearls to Ponder

Bittersweet with Pearls to Ponder (ISBN 0-87012-864-7)

Bittersweet with Pearls to Ponder

ISBN 0-87012-864-7

by Oleta Hinzman

Numbers 6:24-26 The Lord bless thee, and keep thee:

The Lord make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:

The Lord lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.

Paperback. 248 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $14.00 ea.
Bloodletting in Appalachia
Bloodletting in Appalachia

Bloodletting in Appalachia (ISBN 0-87012-041-7)

Bloodletting in Appalachia

ISBN 0-87012-041-7

by Howard B. Lee

The author records the history of the “mine wars” in West Virginia during the early years of the twentieth century. Annotated. Illustrated.

Paperback. 224 pages. Another book by this author is The Burning Springs. . ..

1969. Fifteenth Printing, 2013.

143 Inventory
@ $16.00 ea.
A Blue Sky A Butterfly A Sneaky Spider and ...The Bug!
A Blue Sky A Butterfly A Sneaky Spider and ...The Bug!

A Blue Sky A Butterfly A Sneaky Spider and ...The Bug! (ISBN 0-87012-902-3)

A Blue Sky A Butterfly A Sneaky Spider and ...The Bug!

ISBN 0-87012-902-3

by Ann Weaver

The Bug! continues on his adventure from A Wiggly Spider A Slug A Salamander and...The Bug! as he runs into a cranky lady and a sneaky spider to find true friendship with a beautiful butterfly. This adorable story is a great "second step" reader from A Wiggly Spider..., which is the first of two books by author, Ann Weaver. Paperback. 16 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $9.95 ea.
Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia
Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia

Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia ( ISBN 0-87012-609-1)

Border Settlers of Northwestern Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-609-1

by Lucullus Virgil McWhorter

In the contest for land, Jesse Hughes bore a part far beyond that of the average settler. He was one of those woodsmen in whom was concentrated the hardihood, the daring, the fierce and uncontrollable spirit of our barbarous ancestors in the fens and on the swamp shores of Northwestern Europe. On the trail of the wild Indian, his soul hardened to iron and Jesse’s nature grew more savage than that of the man he hunted. He was grim, cruel, relentless, and bloodthirsty; but he was the product of the age in which he lived. (One of the Big Four.) Paperback. 520 pages.

1915. Seventh Printing, 2004.

140 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
Brucey Bascart
Brucey Bascart

Brucey Bascart (ISBN 0-87012-852-3)

Brucey Bascart

ISBN 0-87012-852-3

by Allene Koon Brown

The story of the trials and triumphs of a special little shopping cart. A delightful, touching children's book for all ages. Paperback. 48 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
The Burning Springs and Other Tales of the Little Kanawha
The Burning Springs and Other Tales of the Little Kanawha

The Burning Springs and Other Tales of the Little Kanawha (ISBN 0-87012-016-6)

The Burning Springs and Other Tales of the Little Kanawha

ISBN 0-87012-016-6

by Howard B. Lee

Historians say that the burning springs petroleum deposits were the richest shallow well oil pool the world has ever known. Annotated. Illustrated. Paperback. 160 pages. Another book by this author is Bloodletting in Appalachia.

1968. Third Printing, 1991.

232 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Cakes...Cakes...and More Cakes...
Cakes...Cakes...and More Cakes...

Cakes...Cakes...and More Cakes... (ISBN 0-87012-491-9 )

Cakes...Cakes...and More Cakes...

ISBN 0-87012-491-9

by Mariwyn McClain Smith

Recipes for more than 150 cakes and dozens of frostings were published from 1971 through 1990 in the column “Merry Wind” in the Parsons Advocate newspaper. All recipes were contributed by readers, and they’re tried and true. A portion of the profits from this publication will benefit Five Rivers Public Library through the McClain Fund of Tucker Community Endowment Foundation. Wiro-bound. 104 pages. Another book by this author is Casseroles, Meats, Fish. . . Cookies.

1991. Reprinted 1998.

45 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Canaan Valley
Canaan Valley

Canaan Valley (ISBN 0-87012-656-3 )

Canaan Valley

ISBN 0-87012-656-3

by Norma Jean Venable

Illustrated by Ann Payne

Canaan Valley, a unique and beautiful area of West Virginia, is home to many kinds of plants and animals usually found much farther north in New England and Canada. Canaan Valley’s unusual assemblage of northern flora and fauna make it a favorite study and recreation area for amateur and professional botanists, biologists, naturalists, and outdoor enthusiasts. This title is one in a series of Natural Resources books published by West Virginia University Extension Service and McClain Printing Company. Paperback. Illustrated. 36 pages. Other books by this author include Dolly Sods, and Scales, Skinks, Scutes and Newts.


30 Inventory
@ $6.00 ea.

Cancer (ISBN 0-9659860-0-4)


ISBN 0-9659860-0-4

by Richard Burns

Cancer—is there a cure? A fictional tale of the life and death of cancer. The characters are believable and identifiable in their struggle with this killing culprit. Paperback. 204 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $8.97 ea.
Capasheea's Leadmine
Capasheea's Leadmine

Capasheea's Leadmine (ISBN 0-87012-484-6 )

Capasheea's Leadmine

ISBN 0-87012-484-6

by Foster Mullenax

A captivating mystery of two independent searches in the legendary lead mines in the northern mountains of West Virginia. One search is a manhunt for an elderly eccentric who has been missing for days. The other is a Brazilian expedition in pursuit of the big-eared bat. How the two parties combine spin a tale of intrigue and suspense. Paperback. 200 pages. Another book by this author is Sugarlands.


47 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Carpenter Family, The -- 20 Years on the Road
Carpenter Family, The -- 20 Years on the Road

Carpenter Family, The -- 20 Years on the Road (ISBN 0-87012-847-7)

Carpenter Family, The -- 20 Years on the Road

ISBN 0-87012-847-7

by Scott B. Carpenter

Scott Carpenter: "After twenty years, I have finally decided to sit down and write a book about this unique ministry God has entrusted to us. This project was not spawned by some personal ambition. Many kind church folk through the years have made the statement, 'You ought to write a book!' And so... here it is." Paperback. 172 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Casseroles, Meats, Fish...Cookies
Casseroles, Meats, Fish...Cookies

Casseroles, Meats, Fish...Cookies (ISBN 0-87012-574-5)

Casseroles, Meats, Fish...Cookies

ISBN 0-87012-574-5

by Mariwyn McClain Smith

The second in a series of books containing recipes from readers of the Parsons Advocate newspaper, this volume follows Cakes, Cakes, and More Cakes, a popular dessert cookbook. A portion of the profits from this publication will benefit Five Rivers Public Library through the McClain Fund of Tucker County Community Endowment Foundation. Wiro-bound. 188 pages.


19 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Cats Don't Eat That!
Cats Don't Eat That!

Cats Don't Eat That! (ISBN 0-87012-884-1)

Cats Don't Eat That!

ISBN 0-87012-884-1

by Grandma Dunson

Join Alena and Damon as they try to figure out what to feed their new cat, with some help from Mom. Paperback. 12 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Charles Town, WV, Confectioner: John Frederick Blessing, His Family, and His Descendants
Charles Town, WV, Confectioner: John Frederick Blessing, His Family, and His Descendants

Charles Town, WV, Confectioner: John Frederick Blessing, His Family, and His Descendants (ISBN 0-87012-776-4)

Charles Town, WV, Confectioner: John Frederick Blessing, His Family, and His Descendants

ISBN 0-87012-776-4

by Richard G. Anderson

In the short span of approximately 25 years between 1845 and 1869, the German immigrant, John Frederick Blessing, established himself as one of the most innovative entrepreneurs in the then thriving town of Charles Town, in Jefferson County, Virginia, now West-Virginia. This new release tells the story of his life and gives in-depth genealogical information on the Blessing family along with photos. Paperback. 48 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $16.95 ea.
Chronicles of Border Warfare
Chronicles of Border Warfare

Chronicles of Border Warfare (ISBN 0-87012-000-X)

Chronicles of Border Warfare

ISBN 0-87012-000-X

by Alexander Scott Withers

Revised edition of the famous history of the settlement of northern Virginia and of the Indian wars and massacres in that section of the state, edited and annotated by Reuben Gold Thwaites. (One of the Big Four.) Indexed. Paperback. 468 pages.

1831. Tenth Printing, 2008.

179 Inventory
@ $34.00 ea.
Chronicles of Core
Chronicles of Core

Chronicles of Core (ISBN 0-87012-227-4)

Chronicles of Core

ISBN 0-87012-227-4

by Earl Core

The third edition reprint published by mimeograph in 1937 and 1960. This volume provides a detailed history of the community of Core, in Monongalia County, West Virginia, with genealogical records of many of its pioneer families. Illustrated. Paperback. 320 pages. Other titles in print by this author are the Monongalia Story series.

1975. Third Printing, 2002.

80 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters
Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters

Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters (ISBN 0-9616245-3-1)

Civil War Letters and Diary of Joshua Winters

ISBN 0-9616245-3-1

by Elizabeth Davis Swiger, editor

While working on the book Ancestors and Descendants of Isaac and Keziah (Askew) Davis, of the Sand Hill District, Marshall County, West Virginia, Joshua’s letters were discovered and recognized as valuable primary historical material. Paperback. 140 pages.

1991. Reprinted 1996.

23 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
A Coal Camp Chronicle: Rememberin' My Raisin'
A Coal Camp Chronicle: Rememberin' My Raisin'

A Coal Camp Chronicle: Rememberin' My Raisin' (ISBN 0-87012-804-3)

A Coal Camp Chronicle: Rememberin' My Raisin'

ISBN 0-87012-804-3

by Trula Vandell Gray with John Vandell

The coalfields of southern West Virginia were opened to the outside world in the late 1880s with the building of the Coaldale Tunnel on the Norfolk and Western Railroad, near Maybeury, West Virginia. This tunnel allowed access to southern West Virginia's timber and coal resources, and the railroad was the main mode of transportation for the rugged area for many years. Paperback. 164 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Coal and People
Coal and People

Coal and People (ISBN 0-87012-411-0 )

Coal and People

ISBN 0-87012-411-0

by Shirley Young Campbell

History, techniques, problems, pros and cons. Suitable for orientation or general interest. A product of coal mining research, composed in simple language. Combined with the assistance of representatives of both labor and management, government sources, educators and individuals. Includes 92 photographs of machines, locations and people. Paperback. 152 pages.

1981. Reprinted, 1994.

25 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume One -- From a Native American Wilderness to 1744
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume One -- From a Native American Wilderness to 1744

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume One -- From a Native American Wilderness to 1744 (ISBN 0-87012-800-0 )

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume One -- From a Native American Wilderness to 1744

ISBN 0-87012-800-0

by William H. Rice

The history of the Upper Potomac has been a rich one. The Colonial Period, however, has been somewhat neglected, primarily because the earliest records that relate to the Upper Potomac are not easily accessible. Volume I of Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac. . . is concerned with those records that provide information about this region from the earliest written sources in the 1600s up through 1744. It is a collection of documents and abstracts of records from a wide range of sources.

This volume includes documented information on Silver Mines on the Potomac, the Shawnee's "underground railroad," a trading post and horse race on the Potomac, as well as documents and maps throughout its 200 pages. Paperback. 208 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


11 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Two -- 1744-1748, The Peaceful Years
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Two -- 1744-1748, The Peaceful Years

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Two -- 1744-1748, The Peaceful Years (ISBN 0-87012-818-3)

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Two -- 1744-1748, The Peaceful Years

ISBN 0-87012-818-3

by William H. Rice

Volume Two is a continuation of the chronologically -arranged documents and abstracts of records that relate to the Upper Potomac region that was begun in Volume One. Items chosen provide details and names of the people involved in important, interesting and everyday events that occurred in the area. Copies of original documents are included for clarity. Paperback. 208 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


13 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Three -- 1748-1750, Settlement Expansion
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Three -- 1748-1750, Settlement Expansion

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Three -- 1748-1750, Settlement Expansion (ISBN 0-87012-835-3)

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Three -- 1748-1750, Settlement Expansion

ISBN 0-87012-835-3

by William H. Rice

Volume Three has additional surveys and land records beyond volumes one and two. It includes 171 plats of pre-French and Indian War surveys on 23 maps. The early histories of each of the platted surveys accompany the maps. Copies of 43 original documents are included in the chronology in Volume Three. It is the culmination of 44 years of historical research by the author. Paperback. 224 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


14 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Four -- Surveys and Land Claims Before 1757
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Four -- Surveys and Land Claims Before 1757

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Four -- Surveys and Land Claims Before 1757 (ISBN 0-87012-843-4)

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Four -- Surveys and Land Claims Before 1757

ISBN 0-87012-843-4

by William H. Rice

Volume Four includes over 500 surveys and land entries in the Upper Potomac region that were dated prior to 1757. Nearly 400 of the surveys have been platted and are shown on one of the 59 maps found in this volume. They cover a wide area in part or all of ten counties in three states including Allegany and Washington counties in Maryland; Morgan, Hampshire, Mineral, Tucker, Hardy, Grant and Pendleton counties of West Virginia; and Highland County in Virginia. Paperback. 232 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


14 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Five -- A Path to Destruction
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Five -- A Path to Destruction

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Five -- A Path to Destruction (ISBN 0-87012-854-X)

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Five -- A Path to Destruction

ISBN 0-87012-854-X

by William H. Rice

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac A Path to Destruction is the fifth in a series of reference sources and a tool for historians and genealogists to gain insight about a particular family or event within an area and period of time for which few conventional sources have survived. References to documents and people that appear to be outside of the region are included when they appear to have some association with the Upper Potomac area. Lawsuits involving people in debt or accused of a crime are included because these cases also have plaintiffs and witnesses and often contribute interesting incidental information. Paperback. 272 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


10 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Six -- The French and Indian War and Frontier Devastation 1755-1761
Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Six -- The French and Indian War and Frontier Devastation 1755-1761

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Six -- The French and Indian War and Frontier Devastation 1755-1761 (ISBN 0-87012-872-8)

Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac -- Volume Six -- The French and Indian War and Frontier Devastation 1755-1761

ISBN 0-87012-872-8

by William H. Rice

Volume Six completes the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series. The series is made up of 1,200 pages of abstracts from several thousand documents that relate directly or indirectly to the people and events of the Upper Potomac watershed prior to 1761. Paperback. 312 pages. Other books by this author are The 1774 List of Tithables and Wheel Carriages in Berkeley County, Virginia, the Colonial Records of the Upper Potomac series, Elkins, WV, and Mortgage of America -- The End of U.S. Independence.


11 Inventory
@ $29.00 ea.
The Color Maidens
The Color Maidens

The Color Maidens (ISBN 0-87012-888-4)

The Color Maidens

ISBN 0-87012-888-4

by Carolyn Schurmann

Follow the beautiful light of Crystal as the Color Maidens descend to share their colors of the rainbow with the earth. Paperback. 24 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $6.00 ea.
Conquering Education's Challenges The Coaching, Administrative and Lifelong Adventures of Jack Surrette
Conquering Education's Challenges The Coaching, Administrative and Lifelong Adventures of Jack Surrette

Conquering Education's Challenges The Coaching, Administrative and Lifelong Adventures of Jack Surrette ( ISBN 0-87012-779-9)

Conquering Education's Challenges The Coaching, Administrative and Lifelong Adventures of Jack Surrette

ISBN 0-87012-779-9

by Jack Surrette

A sincere trip by an educator named Jack E. Surrette who traveled from West Virginia to Florida. Hardbound. 152 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Conversations With a Two-Year-Old
Conversations With a Two-Year-Old

Conversations With a Two-Year-Old (ISBN 0-87012-923-6)

Conversations With a Two-Year-Old

ISBN 0-87012-923-6

By John Kincaid

Humorous, heartwarming, and sometimes surprising conversations between a fascinated grandfather and his precocious two-year-old granddaughter. She discovers a world of miracles. He discovers the unfolding mystery of human personality expressed through language. Paperback. 96 pages.

5 Inventory
@ $8.00 ea.
Coping With Crisis: A West Virginia Doctor's Perspective
Coping With Crisis: A West Virginia Doctor's Perspective

Coping With Crisis: A West Virginia Doctor's Perspective (ISBN 0-87012-921-X)

Coping With Crisis: A West Virginia Doctor's Perspective

ISBN 0-87012-921-X

by Dr. Greenbrier Almond

As a lifelong Christian, a psychiatrist specializing in post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and an author of many books, Dr. Greenbrier Almond offers a powerful and timely perspective on coping with crisis. As the 2020 coronavirus pandemic shakes the world, he shares his wisdom and insights through a compilation of writings past and present: a professional presentation on PTSD; featured speeches on combining faith and medicine, as well as the importance of faith for everyday living; personal reflections on the current pandemic; short stories; and more. Also included is a lecture from the 1920s by Dr. Almond’s grandfather, Rev. Paul L. Flanagan, a minister who spent months recovering from tuberculosis, gaining a powerful perspective on the power of looking on “The Bright Side.” Almost 100 years later, this wisdom is just as vital today. Paperback. 152 pages. Other books by this author include the Stories of a West Virginia Doctor series and Lessons Learned Embracing Life.


17 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
The Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, The 1895-1995 -- A Century of Service
The Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, The 1895-1995 -- A Century of Service

The Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, The 1895-1995 -- A Century of Service (ISBN 0-87012-798-5)

The Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church, The 1895-1995 -- A Century of Service

ISBN 0-87012-798-5

by Thomas Richard Ross

A detailed history of the Davis Memorial Presbyterian Church in Elkins, West Virginia. Paperback. 140 pages.

1995. Reprinted 2010.

3 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
The Day Red Pepper Was Born
The Day Red Pepper Was Born

The Day Red Pepper Was Born (ISBN 0-87012-925-2)

The Day Red Pepper Was Born

ISBN 0-87012-925-2

by Susan Duckett

Illustrated by Alexandra, Heather, and Stephen Duckett

Follow Red Pepper through his first days in his garden home. Paperback. 20 pages.

Out of Stock
Dearest Sister -- A Play of the Civil War
Dearest Sister -- A Play of the Civil War

Dearest Sister -- A Play of the Civil War (ISBN 0-87012-878-7)

Dearest Sister -- A Play of the Civil War

ISBN 0-87012-878-7

by Alma Bennett

In two short acts, DEAREST SISTER reveals what life was like for a young wife and mother, Laura Jackson Arnold, and her family in the little town of Beverly, VA/WV as battles raged around them during the Civil War. Years after the war, an older Laura tells of her brother’s death, the success of her children, and her rancorous divorce from Jonathan Arnold, as she and the family pack to leave the house that has been home for so many years. Paperback. 32 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Death of the Circuit Rider
Death of the Circuit Rider

Death of the Circuit Rider (ISBN 0-87012-580-X)

Death of the Circuit Rider

ISBN 0-87012-580-X

by Marie Mollohan

Through the one hundred years that the author’s family has been in the timber industry, numerous stories have been handed down from generation to generation. Death of the Circuit Rider is one of those compelling stories told to the author by her father centering on incidents which occurred in an abandoned lumber camp during the 1920s. Paperback. Shrinkwrapped. 168 pages.


15 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
The Desolating Hand
The Desolating Hand

The Desolating Hand (ISBN 0-87012-747-0)

The Desolating Hand

ISBN 0-87012-747-0

by Gene Wise

The Desolating Hand is a story of young Americans in border communities confronted with the reality of the Civil War. Will Engle is parted from the friends of his youth and the girl he loves in the mountains of western Virginia and journeys to nearby Pennsylvania, where he faces a struggle between his religious upbringing and a wider view of the world. The sweep of the war from John Brown’s raid to Appomattox brings forth the historic characters of military leaders and soldiers operating in the ambiguous world of partisan warfare. This tale of love and vengeance is wrapped around a factual account of the War between the States. Hardbound. 304 pages.


10 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Did You Miss Me? Did You Cry?
Did You Miss Me? Did You Cry?

Did You Miss Me? Did You Cry? (ISBN 0-87012-706-3 )

Did You Miss Me? Did You Cry?

ISBN 0-87012-706-3

by G.M. Davis

This narrative gives an account of an Appalachian family who sought help from the Department of Health and Human Resources when their children were taken to a foster home. Paperback. 48 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $6.00 ea.
Dolly Sods
Dolly Sods

Dolly Sods (ISBN 0-87012-655-5)

Dolly Sods

ISBN 0-87012-655-5

by Norma Jean Venable

Illustrated by Ann Payne

A detailed booklet on the Dolly Sods wilderness and scenic area located in Tucker and Randolph counties in West Virginia. This title is one in a series of Natural Resources books published by West Virginia University Extension Service and McClain Printing Company. Paperback. Illustrated. 28 pages. Other books by this author include Canaan Valley and Scales, Skinks, Scutes and Newts.


138 Inventory
@ $6.00 ea.
Don't Buy Another Vote, I Won't Pay For a Landslide
Don't Buy Another Vote, I Won't Pay For a Landslide

Don't Buy Another Vote, I Won't Pay For a Landslide (ISBN 0-87012-748-9)

Don't Buy Another Vote, I Won't Pay For a Landslide

ISBN 0-87012-748-9

by Dr. Allen H. Loughry II

Unbelievable, but all too true, stories of West Virginia political corruption and scandals. Some of the political leaders featured in this must-have new release include: Arch A. Moore, Jr., Jay Rockefeller, Robert C. Byrd, Gaston Caperton, A. James Manchin, Joe Manchin, and the list goes on and on... From governors to judges to local magistrates, you won’t be able to put down this new tell-all book on dishonest and illegal government officials in the state of West Virginia. Check our website for the forewords for Don’t Buy Another Vote, . . . by U.S. Senators Robert C. Byrd and John McCain in their entirety. Hardbound. 656 pages.


28 Inventory
@ $34.99 ea.
Down on the Farm With Three Little Girls
Down on the Farm With Three Little Girls

Down on the Farm With Three Little Girls (ISBN 0-87012-898-1)

Down on the Farm With Three Little Girls

ISBN 0-87012-898-1

by Dorothy Duty

I was born July 8th, 1946 at Wetzel County Hospital, New Martinsville, West Virginia. My momma and daddy gave me two younger sisters, Nancy and Shirley. I lived in several different places during my childhood with my parents. We had a home on Doolin for a while, lived in Weirton in the country, and Beech Bottom, West Virginia. Momma passed away in June 1954 with Cancer. Her parents (my grandparents) took me and two sisters to raise because at that time, our daddy was working at Weirton Steele which was two hours away. We attended church regularly and my grandparents made certain we had a good education. My daddy passed away on July 9th, 1988.

After I graduated from Magnolia High School with the Class of 1964, I was employed as a telephone operator working in New Martinsville. I was married and had one son. In the summer of 1997, I moved to Sevierville, Tennessee. I worked at the Dollywood Theme Park in Pigeon Forge for four years at the Applejacks Restaurant. Also, I had a side job as a journalist for the Tennessee Star Journal for several years. I wrote a column about my life on the farm in West Virginia and I was known as ‘The Farm Gal’.

Also, in 1997, I met Greg Hoskins at a songwriters meeting in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. We became good friends working with our songwriting abilities. We became a singing group known as ‘Down Home A Livin’. We were regular performers at many of the local restaurants in the Smoky Mountain area before moving to Cuba, New Mexico in 2006. We now reside in Junior, West Virginia. We still continue to write and produce and perform our own songs. We have performed in Nashville and many other places throughout other states.

I enjoy writing because I found it a personal expression of love for everything. My ideas for songwriting come from nature, scenery, from folks who I have met, and most of all, from my heart because it’s filled with many wonderful memories.

As you read my book, you’ll get to know a little farm girl that would ‘cuss’ a little, and yes, Gram would ‘share’ her famous farm whippings! This little girl will give you laughs and tears but most of all, she will share a beautiful Walton Farm memory. Paperback. 326 pages.


13 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Drums Along the Antietam
Drums Along the Antietam

Drums Along the Antietam (ISBN 0-87012-128-6)

Drums Along the Antietam

ISBN 0-87012-128-6

by John W. Schildt

Drums Along the Antietam endeavors to tell the stories of Indians, British Troops under General Braddock, settlers, wounded, the Blue and Grays, leaders and tragedies that greatly touched the valley of Antietam. Paperback. 336 pages.

1972. Fifth Printing, 2004.

108 Inventory
@ $15.95 ea.
The Dulcimer Man: The Russell Fluharty Story
The Dulcimer Man: The Russell Fluharty Story

The Dulcimer Man: The Russell Fluharty Story (ISBN 0-87012-723-3)

The Dulcimer Man: The Russell Fluharty Story

ISBN 0-87012-723-3

Retold by Twila Fluharty

This is the story about an ancient stringed musical instrument known as the dulcimer and a man whose dream it was to preserve it. The dulcimer is not a zither, an autoharp, a rebec, a steel guitar, a psaltery, a harpsichord, clavichord, pianoforte, or a fiddle. The dulcimer is a unique instrument, and this is the story of a unique man and his life. Paperback. 200 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
An Early Teacher in Old Fields and Moorefield -- Philip W. Peck Diary 1826-1845
An Early Teacher in Old Fields and Moorefield -- Philip W. Peck Diary 1826-1845

An Early Teacher in Old Fields and Moorefield -- Philip W. Peck Diary 1826-1845 (ISBN 0-87012-928-7)

An Early Teacher in Old Fields and Moorefield -- Philip W. Peck Diary 1826-1845

ISBN 0-87012-928-7

by Kelly Sloan Williams and Sidney Williams Gooding

A first person account which covered the first half of the nineteenth century (1826-1845) by a learned school teacher in the two settlements of Old Fields and Moorefield on the South Branch of the Potomac River in what is now West Virginia. Mr. Philip Peck wrote every day in a diary and always included the weather, his health and other activities in the community which interested him. He was a tutor in the McNeil and Van Meter families in Old Fields and later taught in a schoolhouse in Moorefield. Mr. Peck mentioned over 1500 names of individuals that he encountered during the years he was in the Valley. Genealogists and family researchers will be interested in his observations. Pictures, maps, essays and a complete index of people mentioned add to the story and further enhances the value of the publication. This diary is particularly significant because of the time period it covers and that the original has survived in readable condition for over a century. Paperback. 820 pages.

1 Inventory
@ $79.95 ea.
Elkins, West Virginia 1889, the Magic City of the Wilderness
Elkins, West Virginia 1889, the Magic City of the Wilderness

Elkins, West Virginia 1889, the Magic City of the Wilderness (ISBN 0-87012-767-5)

Elkins, West Virginia 1889, the Magic City of the Wilderness

ISBN 0-87012-767-5

by William H. Rice

In the 17 July 1889 issue of the Cumberland Daily Times, the writer of an article about Elkins, West Virginia, refers to it as “The Magic City of the Wilderness”. That phrase accurately describes the sentiments of many people during the summer of 1889 as the city of Elkins began to emerge like a bright star rising on the horizon. Lots of “Big People” had lots of “Big Money” riding on the success of the new city. The livelihoods of thousands of laborers employed in building and railroad and running the industries that would fuel the development of the new city also depended on its success. And hundreds of families from throughout the region were headed for Elkins to stake their claims and establish their homes in a city which they believed had an exciting future. This book hopes to capture that moment in history by bringing together a large amount of information that relates to Elkins, during the summer of 1889. Paperback. 264 pages. Other books by this author are 1774 List of Tithables... and Index of the Estate Records.


9 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
Everyone Needs a Guardian Angel
Everyone Needs a Guardian Angel

Everyone Needs a Guardian Angel (ISBN 0-87012-759-4)

Everyone Needs a Guardian Angel

ISBN 0-87012-759-4

by Howard A. Kisner

As the author enters his eighty-ninth year, he dictated a few short stories into a recorder which has now been transcribed to place in this new release. Take a brief look into his life and the experiences that he has had which lead him to believe that everyone truly has a guardian angel. Paperback. 30 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $8.00 ea.
Fauster's Supernatural Survival Guide for the Appalachian Region
Fauster's Supernatural Survival Guide for the Appalachian Region

Fauster's Supernatural Survival Guide for the Appalachian Region (ISBN 0-87012-584-2)

Fauster's Supernatural Survival Guide for the Appalachian Region

ISBN 0-87012-584-2

by Ted Fauster

Fauster’s. . . is a must for collectors of Appalachian tales. Paperback. 108 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Floriescence  -- Foundations for Human Flourishing on a Thriving Planet
Floriescence  -- Foundations for Human Flourishing on a Thriving Planet

Floriescence -- Foundations for Human Flourishing on a Thriving Planet (ISBN 978-17337084-0-1)

Floriescence -- Foundations for Human Flourishing on a Thriving Planet

ISBN 978-17337084-0-1

by J. Dirk Nies, Ph.D. with Carmen Morales Nies

Floriescence is a groundbreaking, visionary synthesis of science, ethics, and aesthetics crafted to promote well-being in the 21st century. Its robust, comprehensive, multidimensional framework of fact and value - the Floriescent SEAview - affords a vantage point from which we can see where we ought to go, illumining ways of human flourishing that are in harmony with the ecological economy of the natural world. Simultaneously engaging the universal hopes and aspirations of the human spirit while nourishing the soul’s love of the personal and the particular, Floriescence creates a civil conversational space that invites both creativity and reverence as together we address the complex and often vexing problems of modern life.

J. Dirk Nies, Ph.D. is an environmental chemist, independent scholar, newspaper columnist, philosopher, farmhand, and the founder and Executive Director of the non-profit Floriescence Institute. Dirk enjoys composing music and he delights in creating meandering paths through the woods at Sweet Blue Farm in western Albemarle County, VA. Carmen Morales Nies, his beautiful bride of 45 years, holds degrees in Mental Health and Consumer Economics. Carmen is the Institute’s Director of Educational and Public Outreach Programs and she brought her childhood Puerto Rican “jíbara” experiences, her broad multi-cultural perspectives, and her practical sensibilities to bear on all facets of this, our first book project. Hardback. 184 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Forgotten Towns: Pocahontas and Randolph Counties, West Virginia
Forgotten Towns: Pocahontas and Randolph Counties, West Virginia

Forgotten Towns: Pocahontas and Randolph Counties, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-822-1)

Forgotten Towns: Pocahontas and Randolph Counties, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-822-1

by Steve Bodkins

Beginning in the late 1800s and early 1900s, a transformation of a vast section of wilderness and virgin forest in Pocahontas and Randolph counties, West Virginia took place. The primary focus of this book is to capture the history of these forgotten towns and preserve it for future generations. Hardbound. 140 pages. Another book by this author is Bemis and Glady.


255 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
Fractured Sanctuary
Fractured Sanctuary

Fractured Sanctuary (ISBN 0-87012-943-0)

Fractured Sanctuary

ISBN 0-87012-943-0

By Michael M. Barrick

This book is dedicated to those in the paths of the fracking pipelines in West Virginia, Virginia and elsewhere around the world. This intrusion upon the peaceful lives and sacred homes has led to a large and determined force of grassroots activists determined to stand up for their rights, their land, their livelihoods, their neighbors and the environment. It is, unfortunately, necessary. Citizens have said enough to the crony capitalism that allows the fossil-fuel corporations to claim land, history and culture as their own. The movement is also an inspiration to every person willing to seek positive change by putting themselves on the front lines of justice. Paperback. 106 pages.


11 Inventory
@ $17.99 ea.
Frame in America, The, 1700-1900 -- A Survey of Fabrication Techniques and Styles
Frame in America, The, 1700-1900 -- A Survey of Fabrication Techniques and Styles

Frame in America, The, 1700-1900 -- A Survey of Fabrication Techniques and Styles (ISBN 0-9888976-1-8)

Frame in America, The, 1700-1900 -- A Survey of Fabrication Techniques and Styles

ISBN 0-9888976-1-8

by William Bruce Adair

Understanding the style and origin of a frame can offer valuable knowledge to our knowledge of art, from clues to the provenance of a painting that lacks an artist's signature or dealer's attribution, to opening a wider lexicon of stylistic influences from entire eras. Paperback. 64 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $29.95 ea.
French Harding -- Civil War Memoirs
French Harding -- Civil War Memoirs

French Harding -- Civil War Memoirs (ISBN 0-87012-642-3)

French Harding -- Civil War Memoirs

ISBN 0-87012-642-3

Edited by Victor L. Thacker

Written by a man respected by his friends and his foes, these memoirs reveal life as a company commander and the author’s passion and intelligence. Integrity and courage mark French Harding’s career as a soldier. His aggressive, sometimes heroic, behavior on the battlefield carried over to the concern he showed for the men in his company. Conflicts with the colonel of the 31st Virginia Infantry Regiment led to Captain Harding’s arrest in November 1863. He resigned and immediately joined the 20th Virginia Calvary. Paperback. 280 pages.

2000. Third Printing, 2001.

2 Inventory
@ $16.95 ea.
From the Heart -- Long are Roads our Heroes Travel
From the Heart -- Long are Roads our Heroes Travel

From the Heart -- Long are Roads our Heroes Travel (ISBN 0-87012-842-6)

From the Heart -- Long are Roads our Heroes Travel

ISBN 0-87012-842-6

by Ronald Smith

"I would like to thank all the people who helped with their knowledge and professionalism to make this book available to all. I hope the words may somehow help one to see the problems we face by ignoring the faults in ourselves and others." Ronald Smith. Paperback. 112 pages.


8 Inventory
@ $19.95 ea.
From Leadmine to St. George and Beyond: A Life in Poetry
From Leadmine to St. George and Beyond: A Life in Poetry

From Leadmine to St. George and Beyond: A Life in Poetry (ISBN 0-87012-941-4)

From Leadmine to St. George and Beyond: A Life in Poetry

ISBN 0-87012-941-4

By Evelyn Chaney

From Leadmine to St. George... contains Evelyn Chaney's poetry drawn from decades of her life experience. She is very modest about her art and will often dismiss her poems saying, “Oh, they’re just something I did.” Nevertheless, over the years, many have requested copies of those very poems – some whimsical, some profound – and it was time to compile them in one place. We hope the human essence her poems contain resonates with you as well. Hardback with a dust jacket. 350 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $21.00 ea.
Gauley Mountain -- A History in Verse
Gauley Mountain -- A History in Verse

Gauley Mountain -- A History in Verse (ISBN 0-87012-489-7)

Gauley Mountain -- A History in Verse

ISBN 0-87012-489-7

by Louise McNeill

A historical look at the American scene through the magical tool of music and poetry. This book shares tales of people who lived, loved and died in Gauley. Louise McNeill Pease, West Virginia Poet Laureate from 1979 until her death in 1993, expresses her emotion for the area and its people through this collection of folklore poems. Paperback. 284 pages.

1939. Reprinted, 1996.

11 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Genealogy of Thomas Hall Septimus Hall 1967
Genealogy of Thomas Hall Septimus Hall 1967

Genealogy of Thomas Hall Septimus Hall 1967 (ISBN 0-87012-064-6 )

Genealogy of Thomas Hall Septimus Hall 1967

ISBN 0-87012-064-6

by Septimus Hall

This book contains the names of the children and grandchildren of Thomas Hall; with added notes, pictures, and documents on the Halls, Regers, and other early settlers of Volga, Barbour County, West Virginia, by Tasker H. Williams. Paperback. 60 pages.


49 Inventory
@ $3.00 ea.

Glenville (ISBN 0-87012-535-4)


ISBN 0-87012-535-4

by Randall M. Luzader

Join Randall Luzader as he explores and reminisces about his life and the lives of the people of Glenville, West Virginia. This book narrates the distinct folklore of Gilmer County and is a must for short story readers who enjoy tales of the past. Paperback. 110 pages.


8 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Glory Creek
Glory Creek

Glory Creek (ISBN 0-87012-603-2)

Glory Creek

ISBN 0-87012-603-2

by Pierce Hollingsworth

Glory Creek is a fictional tale of a mythical town located on the Lincoln and Boone County line in West Virginia. After a brief honeymoon, Dale and Gloria Mack, along with Gloria’s younger brother Gabriel, set off from their home in Virginia on a month-long journey on horseback, putting all of their belongings on the backs of mules through rain and mud, through dense underbrush and over steep mountains to a glorious valley in Lincoln County. This would be their new home which would eventually be called Glory Creek. Paperback. 232 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.50 ea.
God's Boot Camp
God's Boot Camp

God's Boot Camp (ISBN 0-87012-880-9)

God's Boot Camp

ISBN 0-87012-880-9

by Dr. Araceli Ganan Almond

Join Dr. Araceli Ganan Almond in an adventure of a lifetime in God's Boot Camp. Journey with her from her childhood in the Philippines, across the world to a new life as a medical resident, physician, wife, and mother in the United States. Along the way, she has suffered hardships and also experienced great joy. She unknowingly enlisted in God's army, and God has taught her many lessons, the most being to trust and obey Him. Paperback. 268 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Goin' Up Gandy -- A History of Dry Fork Region of Randolph and Tucker Counties West Virginia
Goin' Up Gandy -- A History of Dry Fork Region of Randolph and Tucker Counties West Virginia

Goin' Up Gandy -- A History of Dry Fork Region of Randolph and Tucker Counties West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-284-3)

Goin' Up Gandy -- A History of Dry Fork Region of Randolph and Tucker Counties West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-284-3

by Don Teter

Goin' Up Gandy is a history of the Dry Fork Region of Randolph and Tucker counties in West Virginia that has numerous photos and a large folded map inserted in the back of the book. This second edition of Goin' Up Gandy is indexed. Paperback. 164 pages.

1977. Second Printing, 2010.

18 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
The Gospel According to a Mountain Momma
The Gospel According to a Mountain Momma

The Gospel According to a Mountain Momma (ISBN 0-87012-683-0)

The Gospel According to a Mountain Momma

ISBN 0-87012-683-0

by Paul Dodd

An account of a man remembering life in rural West Virginia in the mid-1900s, using the writings of his mother and memories of her as the prism through which he sees the past. He recalls the strength and faith of his mother and mothers like her who, despite the hardships of the times, were able to provide the faith, hope, and love which resulted in strong families and great, warm memories. Paperback. 152 pages.

2002. Reprinted 2005.

10 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Grammatically Speaking
Grammatically Speaking

Grammatically Speaking (ISBN 0-87012-589-3)

Grammatically Speaking

ISBN 0-87012-589-3

by Yvonne King and Olga Pashkevich

A complete supplemental guide to the English language with extensive examples and exercises. The sections include the parts of speech; sentence structure, mechanics of composition and usage skills; parsing and diagramming. Paperback. 244 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Ground Hog Dinner
Ground Hog Dinner

Ground Hog Dinner (ISBN 0-87012-799-3)

Ground Hog Dinner

ISBN 0-87012-799-3

by David Ball

If you want a literary classic reading with five-dollar words, stop here. If you want space-age information to stimulate your thirst for knowledge, stop here. If you want a little humor, a little humility, and a little philosophy, continue to the next line. If you want to read about a wonderful author, stop here and burn the book.

My writing is intended purely for entertainment and allowing you into my world as a young lad growing up in the Allegheny Mountains of West Virginia. I enjoyed a unique culture unmatched anywhere on the planet and I am blessed to have been a part of it. Everything I write about is based on fact and experience as seen by a young boy in that place known as Almost Heaven but Not Quite. Paperback. 176 pages.


16 Inventory
@ $14.00 ea.
Growing Up Appalachian: In the Van Camp Community of Wetzel County, West Virginia
Growing Up Appalachian: In the Van Camp Community of Wetzel County, West Virginia

Growing Up Appalachian: In the Van Camp Community of Wetzel County, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-812-4)

Growing Up Appalachian: In the Van Camp Community of Wetzel County, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-812-4

by Jack Wayne Furbee

Everyone who knows Jack Furbee is aware of his affinity for Van Camp, the community where he grew up. He considers his home in West Virginia as part of a larger region of America, Appalachia. Although his book has its setting in Van Camp of Pleasant Valley in Wetzel County, West Virginia, he sees himself as an Appalachian being proud of his rich mountain heritage. Paperback. 300 pages.

2012. Third Printing, 2015.

2 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
Hail, Washington Irving
Hail, Washington Irving

Hail, Washington Irving (ISBN 0-87012-566-4)

Hail, Washington Irving

ISBN 0-87012-566-4

by Carolyn Burnside

Hail, Washington Irving takes you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane and back up the hill to WI. Whether you graduated fifty years ago or in the final class, you will find anecdotes and recollections to bring back Hilltopper memories! Over 100 photos. Paperback. 248 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Hanging Rock Rebel
Hanging Rock Rebel

Hanging Rock Rebel (ISBN 0-87012-877-9)

Hanging Rock Rebel

ISBN 0-87012-877-9

Edited by Dan Oates

The experiences of Lt. John Blue begin at the very onset of the Civil War, May of 1861, and span the length of America's greatest conflict on her home soil. The reader will relive the travels of Lt. Blue from Charlottesville, VA, to the Battle of Gettysburg, the famous West Virginia Campaign of 1863, along with harrowing escapes, and one rescue by the famous McNeill's Rangers. Paperback. 352 pages. Another book edited by this author is Tales of the South Branch and Old Hampshire (J.S. Zimmerman, edited by Dan Oates).

1994. Reprinted 2017.

9 Inventory
@ $22.00 ea.
Haunted Valley and More Folk Tales
Haunted Valley and More Folk Tales

Haunted Valley and More Folk Tales (ISBN 0-87012-341-6)

Haunted Valley and More Folk Tales

ISBN 0-87012-341-6

by James Gay Jones

A collection of intriguing ghost stories and delightful folk tales and legends of southern Appalachia. Most of those tales have authentic historical settings dating from the early days of settlement of this region to recent times. Paperback. 160 pages. Other books by this author are More Appalachian Folk Stories, Appalachian Ghost Stories and A Wayfaring Sineater. . . .

1979. Eighth Printing, 2008.

422 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Having Your Ramps and Eating Them, Too
Having Your Ramps and Eating Them, Too

Having Your Ramps and Eating Them, Too (ISBN 0-87012-783-7)

Having Your Ramps and Eating Them, Too

ISBN 0-87012-783-7

by Glen Facemire, Jr.

Ramps (onion-like vegetables) have long been a part of West Virginia's culture. Often referred to as a "spring tonic," West Virginians eagerly await the first "mess" of the season. This book in its third printing describes growing, cooking, and eating ramps along with recipes and color photos. Paperback. 148 pages.

2008. Third Printing, 2019.

117 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
Healed By Love
Healed By Love

Healed By Love (ISBN 0-87012-851-5)

Healed By Love

ISBN 0-87012-851-5

by Darlene Russell

This book was written to show the path of healing and restoration that God brought me through to give me a glorious new life -- the author. Paperback. 192 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Henry Gassaway Davis -- An Old-Fashioned Biography
Henry Gassaway Davis -- An Old-Fashioned Biography

Henry Gassaway Davis -- An Old-Fashioned Biography (ISBN 0-87012-514-1)

Henry Gassaway Davis -- An Old-Fashioned Biography

ISBN 0-87012-514-1

by T.R. Ross

In this book, Professor Ross has provided interesting information about West Virginia Senator Henry Gassaway Davis’s private life and friends as well as a careful and impartial study of his public career in business and politics. Henry Gassaway Davis was one of the more prominent and significant secondary political and business leaders of the country a century ago and his contributions continue to enhance our lives today. Hardbound. 342 pages.


12 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
Hill Country young'un
Hill Country young'un

Hill Country young'un (ISBN 0-87012-829-9)

Hill Country young'un

ISBN 0-87012-829-9

by Al Richardson

From the rolling hill country of West Virginia, blanketed in perfectly-expressed seasons, Al Richardson unfolds his tale of growing up without a father on a farm during the Great Depression. He talks of the trials and joys of scratching a living out of the hard-scrabble hills while surrounded by a loving extended family, who shaped and prepared him to face the fears and adversity of World War II and military service. Paperback. 180 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
History of Barbour County
History of Barbour County

History of Barbour County (ISBN 0-87012-624-5)

History of Barbour County

ISBN 0-87012-624-5

by Hu Maxwell

The territory now embraced in Barbour County formed a part of Virginia from the first settlement about 1607 until 1863, when it became a portion of West Virginia. It became a separate county in 1843. Material for this book was gathered from every available source. Hardbound. 518 pages. Other histories by this author include History of Tucker County and History of Randolph County.

1899. Third Printing, 1997.

7 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia
History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia

History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-621-0)

History of Braxton County and Central West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-621-0

by John Davison Sutton

"If from the past that is rapidly disappearing by the passing of the early settlers in Braxton County, we shall be able to collect a few notes of interest, and preserve a brief historical sketch of the incidents and early customs relating to central West Virginia with biographical sketches of some of her early citizens, it may be of interest to some in future years." Hardbound. 462 pages.

1919. Third Printing, 1997.

11 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia
History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia

History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-002-6)

History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-002-6

by Wills DeHass

An account of the various expeditions in the west, previous to 1795. The early history of that which relates to Western Virginia and its borders is of special interest to our historical heritage. Here it was that Washington received those severe lessons in war which prepared him for the great achievements he so gloriously performed in the afterlife, and here was struck the first great blow in the struggle for American Independence. (One of the Big Four). Illustrated by numerous engravings. Paperback. 432 pages.

1851. Eleventh Printing, 2011.

42 Inventory
@ $33.00 ea.
History and Genealogy of the Davissons, Twelve Generations:1630-1992 Davidson-Davison-Davisson Families
History and Genealogy of the Davissons, Twelve Generations:1630-1992 Davidson-Davison-Davisson Families

History and Genealogy of the Davissons, Twelve Generations:1630-1992 Davidson-Davison-Davisson Families (ISBN 0-87012-498-6)

History and Genealogy of the Davissons, Twelve Generations:1630-1992 Davidson-Davison-Davisson Families

ISBN 0-87012-498-6

by Russell Lee Davisson

After 43 years of research, the history and genealogy of the descendants of Daniel and Margaret (Low) Davison trace 12 generations of the Davidson-Davison-Davisson families. Illustrations by Pierre Bergem embellish this work. Fully indexed. Hardbound, dust jacket. shrinkwrapped. 228 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $29.95 ea.
History of Preston County -- Morton
History of Preston County -- Morton

History of Preston County -- Morton (ISBN 0-87012-625-3)

History of Preston County -- Morton

ISBN 0-87012-625-3

by Oren F. Morton

A well-researched history written of Preston County, West Virginia, this title includes a historical and cultural look at Preston County, West Virginia. Parts I and II. Hardbound. 564 pages.

1913. Reprinted 2000.

49 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Preston County -- Wiley
History of Preston County -- Wiley

History of Preston County -- Wiley (ISBN 0-87012-054-9)

History of Preston County -- Wiley

ISBN 0-87012-054-9

by S.T. Wiley

From Indian tribes to education, government, and individual district, the History of Preston County is a thorough account of Preston County, West Virginia. Hardbound. 530 pages. Included in the purchase is the paperback Index to S. T. Wiley’s History of Preston County published in 1971 (ISBN 0-87012-100-6). 68 pages.

1968. Reprinted 1993.

171 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Randolph County
History of Randolph County

History of Randolph County (ISBN 0-87012-730-6)

History of Randolph County

ISBN 0-87012-730-6

by Hu Maxwell

A History of Randolph County, West Virginia, from its earliest settlement in 1898. Illustrated. Indexed. Hardcover. 532 pages. Other books by this author include History of Tucker County and History of Barbour County.

1898. Fifth Printing, 2005.

93 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Tucker County -- Fansler
History of Tucker County -- Fansler

History of Tucker County -- Fansler (ISBN 0-87012-056-5)

History of Tucker County -- Fansler

ISBN 0-87012-056-5

by Homer Floyd Fansler

One of the most complete county histories ever published in West Virginia with 48 pages of pictures and fully documented with 1,000 footnotes, this title continues Tucker County’s history following Hu Maxwell’s account of the first 28 years. Hardbound. 700 pages.

1962. Fourth Printing, 1998.

242 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Tucker County -- Long
History of Tucker County -- Long

History of Tucker County -- Long (ISBN 0-9619468-3-0)

History of Tucker County -- Long

ISBN 0-9619468-3-0

by Cleta Long

This updated documentation of the history of the West Virginia county contains over 80 photos of the area and the people who make up the Tucker County region. Listings of businesses, elections, and other statistics are also included in this volume. Indexed. Hardbound. 502 pages.


121 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
History of Tucker County -- Maxwell
History of Tucker County -- Maxwell

History of Tucker County -- Maxwell (ISBN 0-87012-099-9)

History of Tucker County -- Maxwell

ISBN 0-87012-099-9

by Hu Maxwell

This first book written on Tucker County history studies the first 28 years in the West Virginia county. It focuses on lumber, travelers, the Civil War, and brief biographies of settlers, townspeople, and historical figures. Hardbound. 590 pages. Other books by this author include History of Barbour County and History of Randolph County.

1884. Third Printing, 1993.

208 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
I Will Go to the Altar of God
I Will Go to the Altar of God

I Will Go to the Altar of God (ISBN 0-87012-817-5)

I Will Go to the Altar of God

ISBN 0-87012-817-5

by Fr. Marian S. Mazgaj

Fr. Marian S. Mazgaj was born in the Polish village of Gaj in 1923. During World War II he joined the Polish Home Army and took part in the combat against German forces in Poland. Paperback. 512 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $34.95 ea.
If You Give a Child a Present
If You Give a Child a Present

If You Give a Child a Present (ISBN 0-87012-802-7)

If You Give a Child a Present

ISBN 0-87012-802-7

by Tamela Corder

If You Give a Child a Present, you may just find out the true meaning of Christmas. Paperback. 16 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
The Immobile Man -- A Neurologist's Casebook
The Immobile Man -- A Neurologist's Casebook

The Immobile Man -- A Neurologist's Casebook (ISBN 0-87012-781-0)

The Immobile Man -- A Neurologist's Casebook

ISBN 0-87012-781-0

by Lud Gutmann, MD

These are stories about ordinary and extraordinary people—all patients with different neurological problems—but stories more about their personal struggles and coping than their diseases These accounts follow Dr. Gutmann’s forty years in medicine, from his training in New York City through his life-long University Hospital practice in West Virginia. Writing in his office, talking with medical students or his residents, hurrying down the hall to a clinic, listening quietly to a patient’s recounting of a traumatic event—Lud Gutmann has been collecting stories during all of his life. The stories in this book delve into different issues: from medical-ethical dilemmas; to misunderstandings or secrets or lies; to tracking down the causes of real or imaginary illness; however, the overarching theme is the patient and the patient’s history. Life stories are the focus of concern. Listening to and understanding is the first order in identifying the cause and prescribing care. Paperback. 144 pages. Other books by this author include Richard Road -- Journey From Hate and The Sunken Fang Society.


25 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
An Imperfect Look
An Imperfect Look

An Imperfect Look (ISBN 0-87012-735-7)

An Imperfect Look

ISBN 0-87012-735-7

by Charles Brady

This collection of poems dates back over many years and covers a number of themes. From the seasons and personal remembrances to religion and patriotism, this book or poetry attempts to give the reader an “imperfect” look. Hardbound. 104 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $13.00 ea.
Important Things That Really Matter!
Important Things That Really Matter!

Important Things That Really Matter! (ISBN 0-87012-875-2)

Important Things That Really Matter!

ISBN 0-87012-875-2

by Darl E. Arbogast

Subjects written in my book are topics regarding life, liberty, history and our health. These subjects should serve as an antidote to our younger generation and to all ages whether applied individually or in a church or a family group. Hardback. 224 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
In the Hollow One Mile From Here
In the Hollow One Mile From Here

In the Hollow One Mile From Here (ISBN 0-87012-789-6)

In the Hollow One Mile From Here

ISBN 0-87012-789-6

by Richard L. James

This is a colorful, part historical account of life in Wilson Hollow. It will take the reader on a nostalgic journey from past times to the present. The book is “easy reading” and has a “laid-back” quality, which makes it enjoyable. Those, who have lived there, and/or are still living in the hollow, may remember some of the events mentioned. We can appreciate and applaud the efforts of this “native son,” Richard “Casey” James, who captured these stories in print. Mary Rosetta Harris. Paperback. 112 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $19.95 ea.
The Inevitable Rise and Fall of the End Time Nations and Generation Controversy
The Inevitable Rise and Fall of the End Time Nations and Generation Controversy

The Inevitable Rise and Fall of the End Time Nations and Generation Controversy (ISBN 0-87012-791-8)

The Inevitable Rise and Fall of the End Time Nations and Generation Controversy

ISBN 0-87012-791-8

by Dr. Haymond R. Plaugher, Th.D.

Which nations will arise and which ones will fall in the end times? What about Europe, America, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Egypt, Syria, China, Japan, Russia, Turkey, and others? What conflicts will the Antichrist face in the tribulation? Why is Jerusalem so important? Will there be a one-world government? What is the next major event to occur in end-time prophecy? What is “This generation controversy”? Paperback. 168 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
It Seems to Me
It Seems to Me

It Seems to Me (ISBN 0-87012-712-8)

It Seems to Me

ISBN 0-87012-712-8

by Dr. Otho Buel Taylor

by Rev. Bernard A. Holliday, biographer

Dr. Otho Buel Taylor was the son of devoted parents, who specialized in agricultural farming in Granville County, North Carolina. The rural surroundings motivated him to explore regions outside of this immediate community. His native talents led him to aspire to probe the field of science. Dr. Taylor used his wisdom and life experiences including his induction as a first lieutenant in the Army Officers Reserve Corp in World War I to pen several weekly columns for a local newspaper in Knoxville, TN. His pearls of wisdom pointed up new pathways in a fractured society. Paperback. 168 pages. Another book by Mr. Holliday is Manie Taylor Geer Our Guru.


5 Inventory
@ $5.00 ea.
It's the End Or Is It?
It's the End Or Is It?

It's the End Or Is It? (ISBN 0-87012-937-6)

It's the End Or Is It?

ISBN 0-87012-937-6

by Amy Mowery

This isn’t your typical apocalypse story, but if you’ll stay with me I’ll try to explain, even though I don’t know how. I’m one of those people who loves watching disaster flicks, just give me a good apocalypse and I’m in heaven. If you're anything like me, then you study them to see what they got wrong or where they went right, the only problem is they got it all wrong.

See Hollywood taught us to expect the world to go out in a blaze of glory, or at least some other exciting ways. But, what we got was kind of a letdown. Seriously, the letdown was huge, I’m talking monumental. There was no nuclear holocaust, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I could survive in a bunker eating MRES (meals ready to eat), for the rest of my life. The thought of only eating that and not ever tasting pizza or anything else that I love again would not be living it would only be surviving. The aliens didn’t descend from the sky, but honestly do you really think we would’ve stood a chance against an alien armada. Don’t lie to yourself, we would’ve probably ended up in the nuclear bunkers. So either way not a good way to end the world. At least there weren't any zombies, which I’m guessing you're thinking the same thing as me -- no brain breath. They don’t make a Tic Tac big enough to combat that smell. Not to mention the aftertaste. I think (not like I’d personally know, I’m not a cannibal), but I think it would taste like the smell of a deer hit by a car, left on the side of the road for days. I can just picture your nose scrunching up from the visual. Sorry, I should’ve warned you not to read this part if you just ate. At least we can be grateful for that not happening. I don’t think my stomach could have handled it....

Paperback. 100 pages.

3 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
James Clark McGrew: West Virginia Statesman and Servant
James Clark McGrew: West Virginia Statesman and Servant

James Clark McGrew: West Virginia Statesman and Servant (ISBN 0-87012-831-0)

James Clark McGrew: West Virginia Statesman and Servant

ISBN 0-87012-831-0

by Susan Hardesty

"James C. McGrew, Esq., is the man for the times; a man qualified in every respect..." -- Preston County Journal, 1868. Paperback. 144 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $17.50 ea.
John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Pioneer of the Great Kanawha Valley
John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Pioneer of the Great Kanawha Valley

John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Pioneer of the Great Kanawha Valley (ISBN 0-87012-894-9)

John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Pioneer of the Great Kanawha Valley

ISBN 0-87012-894-9

by Karen J. Dunn

These documents support that John Jenkins was an American Revolutionary War soldier from Bedford County, Virginia. He was ~22 years old in 1776 when the Revolutionary War began. He was about ~29 years old when the war ended. He was an experienced soldier, having served in the colonial army before the Revolutionary War started. Payroll documents support that John Jenkins’ served as a soldier in the American Revolution in the year 1778 with the 2nd Virginia State Regiment. Paperback. 90 pages. Other books by this author include Bedford County Virginia Militia 1774-1783, Just Butterflies, and Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier.


6 Inventory
@ $40.00 ea.
Just Butterflies
Just Butterflies

Just Butterflies (ISBN 0-87012-920-1)

Just Butterflies

ISBN 0-87012-920-1

by Karen J. Dunn

From Painted Ladies to Tiger Swallowtails, beautiful, full-color photographs of butterflies. Paperback. 48 pages. Other books by this author include Bedford County Virginia Militia 1774-1783, John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier, and Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier.

13 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Keeping the Wood Box Full
Keeping the Wood Box Full

Keeping the Wood Box Full (ISBN 0-87012-839-6)

Keeping the Wood Box Full

ISBN 0-87012-839-6

by Will Ball

Keeping the Wood Box Full is an expose regarding the author's growing up years on a mountaintop farm near Moatsville, West Virginia. The book describes what daily life was like for a young boy trying to find his niche in the family and the surrounding community. The stories show how the author went full circle by leaving home to find home. Paperback. 240 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
...kisses to last all day
...kisses to last all day

...kisses to last all day (ISBN 0-87012-924-4)

...kisses to last all day

ISBN 0-87012-924-4

by Rebecca J. Ferrell

I do not claim that my thoughts and words are any more profound, that my observations are any more humorous, nor do I claim they are any more substantial or relevant than those of anyone else. I’ve just chosen to write them on paper. The objective of this collection, is to give my written word to my children in the hopes that someday, when they have absolutely nothing else to do, they might read it. Nothing will please me more than having the run of the entire conversation. If perchance anyone else should have the misfortune of picking this up, I hope you enjoy it, as well. I hope that the pages will cause you to pray, think, and maybe even laugh a little. Disclaimer: This bundle of pages is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to solve any or all of your problems. The Author. Paperback. 76 pages.

6 Inventory
@ $14.15 ea.
The Last Forest--Tales of the Allegheny Woods
The Last Forest--Tales of the Allegheny Woods

The Last Forest--Tales of the Allegheny Woods (ISBN 0-87012-635-0)

The Last Forest--Tales of the Allegheny Woods

ISBN 0-87012-635-0

by G.D. (Douglas) McNeill

Go back in time to the 1880s with the unspoiled West Virginia wilderness. The author's collection of stories begins with the forest primeval before the railroads and loggers disturbed the tranquility of centuries. It ends fifty years later, with the last virgin forest cut over and despoiled. Much of the book's action takes place along the Cranberry and Williams rivers, an area now protected as a federally-designated wilderness area. Paperback. 166 pages.

1940. Fourth Printing, 2009.

8 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
Learning to Share
Learning to Share

Learning to Share (ISBN 0-87012-863-9)

Learning to Share

ISBN 0-87012-863-9

by E.T. Jamesyn

There are ten million other poets I won't pretend I don't know it I was merely hoping we could share some words of mine. Paperback. 104 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $11.88 ea.
Legends of Power
Legends of Power

Legends of Power (ISBN 1-58721-102-5)

Legends of Power

ISBN 1-58721-102-5

by Andrea Sharkey

Escape into a world where you can share the most intimate moments with two people whose passion erupts in spite of the many gods they worship, who must have met while the gods turned their heads. Paperback. 664 pages.

1997. Third Printing, 2001.

5 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
Lemuel Chenoweth -- Bridging the Gap
Lemuel Chenoweth -- Bridging the Gap

Lemuel Chenoweth -- Bridging the Gap (ISBN 0-87012-745-4)

Lemuel Chenoweth -- Bridging the Gap

ISBN 0-87012-745-4

by Randy Allan

Lemuel Chenoweth was most likely the most accomplished builder of covered bridges in the United States between 1846 and 1861. During these years, he built about twenty covered bridges; however, the number of bridges he built is not so important as is the quality of his construction. This book not only describes in great detail the accomplishments of Lemuel’s professional career during the Civil War but also gives enlightening information about his family and their lives during this fascinating yet brutal time in United States history. Another book by this author is Civil War Legends. . . Paperback. 190 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $21.00 ea.
Lena's Legacy: Mysteries of the Blue Box
Lena's Legacy: Mysteries of the Blue Box

Lena's Legacy: Mysteries of the Blue Box (ISBN 0-87012-945-7)

Lena's Legacy: Mysteries of the Blue Box

ISBN 0-87012-945-7

By Jenny Lynn Bell

Lena’s Legacy: Mysteries in the Blue Box is a story about a kind, quiet grandmother who spoke very little about her life. The discovery of an old blue box and its contents at the end of her life sparked a curiosity in her granddaughter, Jenny Lynn to search for answers hidden away as secrets from her family for over 50 years. What was revealed within the box increased her desire to learn more about Lena’s earlier life before she was her grandmother.

Throw in two worldwide pandemics about a hundred years apart and mysteries are revealed as Jenny Lynn brings her grandmother’s story forward and reflects on the patterns revealed in the lifelines of four generations of women. Paperback. 274 pages.


36 Inventory
@ $18.97 ea.
Lessons Learned Embracing Life -- Reflections of a Board of Education Member
Lessons Learned Embracing Life -- Reflections of a Board of Education Member

Lessons Learned Embracing Life -- Reflections of a Board of Education Member (ISBN 0-87012-935-X)

Lessons Learned Embracing Life -- Reflections of a Board of Education Member

ISBN 0-87012-935-X

by Dr. Greenbrier Almond

Featuring artwork by Violet Coonts

In addition to a long career as a respected psychiatrist, Greenbrier Almond, MD, became a member of the Upshur County Board of Education in 2010. Having authored many books in the popular “Stories of a West Virginia Doctor” series, in 2013 he began writing a newspaper column “Lessons Learned Serving on the Board of Education.” Initially a way to educate the public on the school system in anticipation of a levy vote, his effort turned into a weekly column. Dr. Almond addresses universal themes such as education, community, rural living, and lifelong learning. This book contains 54 of his columns. Alongside are 27 full-color reproductions of artwork by award-winning local artist and teacher Violet Coonts. The late Mrs. Coonts was Dr. Almond’s first journalism teacher. Her art offers a stunning view into life in the hills of West Virginia. Paperback. 176 pages. Other books by this author include the Stories of a West Virginia Doctor series and Coping With Crisis.

13 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Levi -- His Hardships, Triumphs, and Impeccable Faith
Levi -- His Hardships, Triumphs, and Impeccable Faith

Levi -- His Hardships, Triumphs, and Impeccable Faith (ISBN 0-87012-882-5)

Levi -- His Hardships, Triumphs, and Impeccable Faith

ISBN 0-87012-882-5

by D. Truman Shrewsbury

Levi was born at a time when survival was a hardship for everyone, not just those who lived on mountain farms. Money was scarce and to earn any took a great deal of effort on the part of the person trying to earn it. Grandpa and his children spent many days toiling in the soil to have food, not only in the summer but to get through the extreme winters. The winters were often extremely cold and the snow often deep. For warmth, they only had a fireplace and a wood cookstove. There was no insulation in the old cabin, yet they kept warm with the love of each other and the bounty of food their God had provided.

My circumstances at birth were not much more modern than Grandpa's. I was born on Barkers Ridge, only a few miles from where Levi was born on the creek. I attended High School at Mullens and got a degree in Drafting. It wasn’t till years later that I attended college, part-time, at Concord College and at Bluefield State that life started coming together for me. A few years later my job transferred me to Lewisburg, I attended New River Community and Technical College, where I got an associate's degree in the Arts and where I became interested in creative writing.

Most of Grandpa Levi’s grandchildren only knew him as a soft-spoken, gentle, loving, caring, God-fearing man with a long white beard, a rounded top hat, and walked with the aid of a cane. I wanted to introduce to the grandchildren their Grandpa’s humanism. They should also understand his hardships while keeping the farm in check as his brother and sisters were there. Then it was his growing family. With both generations, there were more hardships than triumphs. Levi left a legacy for his family that can be matched but by a few. Paperback. 104 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
The Life of a Good Ole Country Boy
The Life of a Good Ole Country Boy

The Life of a Good Ole Country Boy (ISBN 0-87012-770-5)

The Life of a Good Ole Country Boy

ISBN 0-87012-770-5

by Lawrence West

The author feels that we should document those that we have lived among and he describes his life and those who shared it in this autobiography. Paperback. 178 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
Lil' Leroi -- Book 1
Lil' Leroi -- Book 1

Lil' Leroi -- Book 1 (ISBN 0-87012-868-X)

Lil' Leroi -- Book 1

ISBN 0-87012-868-X

by Julia Elbon

The inspiration for this story was a little yellow gasoline work train engine that serves the Durbin Rocket Ride. Lil' Leroi is set to inspire children's imaginations and creativity while learning to accept others who are different. This story develops learning to like yourself, accept your friends and neighbors, and enhance your talents. Paperback. 28 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Lil' Leroi's Railroad Summer -- Book 2
Lil' Leroi's Railroad Summer -- Book 2

Lil' Leroi's Railroad Summer -- Book 2 (ISBN 0-87012-876-0)

Lil' Leroi's Railroad Summer -- Book 2

ISBN 0-87012-876-0

by Julia Elbon

Illustrated by Heather Johnson

These Switchback Stories continue the characters and add others. They can be read in sequence or independently. Stories are set in the Greenbrier River Valley from Durbin to Cass, West Virginia. The Durbin Rocket Ride and the historic Cass Scenic Railroad capture the views and spirit of the area. Featured are Shay engine rides on the switchback tracks and steam engines on the river tracks. Both served in the lumber industry. The story's inspiration was a little yellow yard engine named Lil Leroi. The author felt he was an unsung hero who needed recognition for his life. The books tell how he and his neighbors live together and the stories highlight character-building events that occur in the adventures. Book 1, entitled Lil Leroi, gives life to a train engine that first led the ride. He was replaced by a steam engine and was given the job of a yard engine. The story develops how he grows and finds friends in his new job and in the railyard. Book 2 entitled Lil Leroi s Railroad Summer builds on the first book and both books share learning to like yourself, living with your neighbors, developing your talents, making the best of your opportunities, including others, enjoying games, sharing, cooperating, trusting, developing friendships and just having summer fun. Book 3 tells how life with his animal neighbors and railyard friends challenge them. Adventures test their values, abilities, and imaginations. Surprises lie ahead as they cooperate to meet their chosen tasks. Hopefully, the stories will teach about trains as well as positive behavior. Behaviors change like the switchback tracks. People conquer obstacles in their lives and move on in the same way. The author hopes children can enjoy the stories and imagine along with Lil Leroi. It is her hope that they learn to lead productive and fulfilling lives. It is a great privilege to encourage children to realize their potential. Paperback. 36 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Lil' Leroi's Rail & River Adventures -- Book 3
Lil' Leroi's Rail & River Adventures -- Book 3

Lil' Leroi's Rail & River Adventures -- Book 3 (ISBN 0-87012-881-7)

Lil' Leroi's Rail & River Adventures -- Book 3

ISBN 0-87012-881-7

by Julia Elbon

Illustrated by Heather Johnson

These Switchback Stories continue the characters and add others. They can be read in sequence or independently. Stories are set in the Greenbrier River Valley from Durbin to Cass, West Virginia. The Durbin Rocket Ride and the historic Cass Scenic Railroad capture the views and spirit of the area. Featured are Shay engine rides on the switchback tracks and steam engines on the river tracks. Both served in the lumber industry. The story's inspiration was a little yellow yard engine named Lil Leroi. The author felt he was an unsung hero who needed recognition for his life. The books tell how he and his neighbors live together and the stories highlight character-building events that occur in the adventures. Book 1, entitled Lil Leroi, gives life to a train engine that first led the ride. He was replaced by a steam engine and was given the job of a yard engine. The story develops how he grows and finds friends in his new job and in the railyard. Book 2 entitled Lil Leroi s Railroad Summer builds on the first book and both books share learning to like yourself, living with your neighbors, developing your talents, making the best of your opportunities, including others, enjoying games, sharing, cooperating, trusting, developing friendships and just having summer fun. Book 3 tells how life with his animal neighbors and railyard friends challenge them. Adventures test their values, abilities, and imaginations. Surprises lie ahead as they cooperate to meet their chosen tasks. Hopefully, the stories will teach about trains as well as positive behavior. Behaviors change like the switchback tracks. People conquer obstacles in their lives and move on in the same way. The author hopes children can enjoy the stories and imagine along with Lil Leroi. It is her hope that they learn to lead productive and fulfilling lives. It is a great privilege to encourage children to realize their potential. Paperback. 36 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Listening -- The Memoir of an Ordinary Man
Listening -- The Memoir of an Ordinary Man

Listening -- The Memoir of an Ordinary Man (ISBN 0-87012-890-6)

Listening -- The Memoir of an Ordinary Man

ISBN 0-87012-890-6

by Glenn Davis

For seven and a half decades, I have been experiencing the voice of God. It came as prayer, Bible study, sacred literature, the Eucharist, other sacraments, and other people. You might say that this is not just my autobiography, but a collection of biographies of people who have touched my life. I have experienced or witnessed the lives of my mother, my wife, and my daughter, and even includes the person who is standing in front of me. All are gifts and opportunities to be present to God.

Thank the Lord for two eyes, not to look at things, but to see. For two ears, not to hear, but to listen. For two arms and hands, not for holding things, but people. For two legs and feet, to walk to the phone and call or to walk to the market to buy something that a person needs. I have only one mouth. Gratitude, gratitude, and even more gratitude become my final words. Paperback. 116 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Mahotep Synod
Mahotep Synod

Mahotep Synod (ISBN 0-87012-673-3)

Mahotep Synod

ISBN 0-87012-673-3

by Jean Battlo

In 1958, six children in the small southern coal mining town of Kimball, West Virginia, formed the Mahotep Synod. Their childhood games were thwarted when their beloved school janitor, George, was murdered in his cabin behind the school. The murder became the first unsolved mystery in their young lives and the children made a pact to find his killer. They grew up and went on to successful careers around the world. Then in February 2000, as the members approached fifty, Briney Slice called a mysterious and unprecedented meeting of the Synod. After all those years, there was something new about George. Paperback. 328 pages. Other books by this author include Kimball, West Virginia 1911-2011 Still Standing -- Birth of the Small Town in the N&W Era, Mahotep Synod, and A Pictorial History of McDowell County. . ..


29 Inventory
@ $15.95 ea.
Major General Thomas Maley Harris
Major General Thomas Maley Harris

Major General Thomas Maley Harris (ISBN 0-87012-003-4)

Major General Thomas Maley Harris

ISBN 0-87012-003-4

by H.E. Matheny

A member of the Military Commission, Harris tried the President Abraham Lincoln assassination conspirators. . . and Roster of the 10th

West Virginia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 1861-1865. Paperback. 296 pages.

1963. Reprinted 1996.

36 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
Man From Springfield, The -- A life of service preserved through friends' remembrances, correspondence, and life events
Man From Springfield, The -- A life of service preserved through friends' remembrances, correspondence, and life events

Man From Springfield, The -- A life of service preserved through friends' remembrances, correspondence, and life events (ISBN 0-87012-815-9)

Man From Springfield, The -- A life of service preserved through friends' remembrances, correspondence, and life events

ISBN 0-87012-815-9

by Virginia Loy Michael

A biography of William "Bill" Loy's life of service through remembrances and correspondence. These pages detail his professional life as an attorney, area volunteer, politician, political strategist, and administrative assistant to then-Governor Arch A. Moore, Jr. Hardbound. 224 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Manie Taylor Geer -- Our Guru
Manie Taylor Geer -- Our Guru

Manie Taylor Geer -- Our Guru (ISBN 0-87012-670-9)

Manie Taylor Geer -- Our Guru

ISBN 0-87012-670-9

by Manie Taylor Geer and Bernard Holliday

You will gain inspiration from the spiritual poems and wisdom, and be able to trace the footprints of a family passing through great trials and tribulations. Manie Taylor Geer was a devoted educator in the public school system and the torchbearer of good news to a multiracial society in the Twentieth Century. Paperback. 224 pages. Another book edited by Mr. Holliday is It Seems to Me.


4 Inventory
@ $18.00 ea.
The Maple Leaf Express
The Maple Leaf Express

The Maple Leaf Express (ISBN 0-87012-932-5)

The Maple Leaf Express

ISBN 0-87012-932-5

By Mary Wallis Gutmann

After graduating from Pratt Institute with an ID degree, I designed graphics and accessories for most of my life. Descriptive writing played a part in my career, and has gradually become more important during recent years, until writing is now my main focus. I have authored fiction and non-fiction stories and several unpublished books. My work cuts across genres: from this short childhood memoir of an overnight train trip and visit to a farm, to unusual Science Fiction, to Mystery. Paperback. 100 pages.

28 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
The Marine Way
The Marine Way

The Marine Way (ISBN 0-9623827-0-1)

The Marine Way

ISBN 0-9623827-0-1

By Sam E. Clagg

This book is a story of Marine training and conduct of battle in the Pacific during World War II. It is a "story" because, while factual, the material maintains reader interest through a variety of characters reacting to similar situations. Hardback with dust jacket. 596 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $25.95 ea.
Marvin The Screaming Sneezing Cheese Mouse
Marvin The Screaming Sneezing Cheese Mouse

Marvin The Screaming Sneezing Cheese Mouse (ISBN 0-87012-933-3)

Marvin The Screaming Sneezing Cheese Mouse

ISBN 0-87012-933-3

by Lisa Pettrey

Illustrated by Justin Williams

Follow Marvin the Mouse, in this first in a series, as he braves his allergies searching for his beloved cheese. Paperback. 42 pages.

Each book comes with a stress wedge of "cheese".

6 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Memoirs of a Geezer: From the Timber Woods and Back.
Memoirs of a Geezer: From the Timber Woods and Back.

Memoirs of a Geezer: From the Timber Woods and Back. (ISBN 0-87012-660-1)

Memoirs of a Geezer: From the Timber Woods and Back.

ISBN 0-87012-660-1

by E. Luther Copeland

For the purposes of this book, the definition of a “geezer” is “a male human being of advanced age”. The author reviews his life and experiences throughout this entertaining and thoughtful book including his calls to be a minister and missionary. Paperback. 386 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $30.00 ea.
Memories of the 693rd Quartermaster Bn. World War II
Memories of the 693rd Quartermaster Bn. World War II

Memories of the 693rd Quartermaster Bn. World War II (ISBN 0-87012-675-X)

Memories of the 693rd Quartermaster Bn. World War II

ISBN 0-87012-675-X

by Joel A. Potts, Jr.

The 693rd Medical Unit was a detachment of the 693rd Quartermaster Battalion. This is a personal history of this military unit written by members of the medical unit and submitted by Joel A. Potts, Jr. M/Sgt. of the 693rd Quartermaster Battalion. Paperback. 40 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Michael's Thoughts
Michael's Thoughts

Michael's Thoughts (ISBN 0-87012-885-X)

Michael's Thoughts

ISBN 0-87012-885-X

by Michael Kelley

Through a divorce, I sought evolution though at times it felt like a revolution against the soul that I used to be in search of everything that I could be. Life is about both darkness and light but is defined by what you keep in sight. Through my thoughts I found my way becoming inspired by what I had to say. I hope you enjoy what I humbly share and find the courage your life to dare. Paperback. 346 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
The Middle Ground -- A Book of Western Virginia Frontier Stories
The Middle Ground -- A Book of Western Virginia Frontier Stories

The Middle Ground -- A Book of Western Virginia Frontier Stories (ISBN 0-87012-903-1)

The Middle Ground -- A Book of Western Virginia Frontier Stories

ISBN 0-87012-903-1

by Shon Butler

These stories are historical fiction. Some are adaptations of true stories and local legends. Some of them are purely fictional creations. The Rogers family you are being introduced to in this book is the author's family.

The places mentioned are real places. Every ridge, stream, or rock ledge is somewhere the author has visited. From the Kanawha Valley to the Ohio Valley at Pittsburgh, the author has walked and studied these areas. He's hunted deer with the long rifle on the Buckhannon River; shot ducks and geese for Christmas dinners right in front of the site of Bush’s Fort; dug ginseng in the Kanawha Valley and Campbell’s Creek where Daniel Boone dug ginseng.

t is the author's hope that you, the reader, enjoy the tales, and possibly these stories will motivate you to study the history of the area you are in; to trace your ancestry; to get in touch with your roots, and to realize where you came from and where you are going; to turn your thoughts inward and find your inner fire, and to take better care of the earth you are given to live on. More importantly, the author hopes you live each day as if it were your last. Life comes and goes like steam above a kettle. Paperback. 110 pages.


8 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Moatsville Stories -- An Appalachian Upbringing
Moatsville Stories -- An Appalachian Upbringing

Moatsville Stories -- An Appalachian Upbringing (ISBN 0-87012-849-3)

Moatsville Stories -- An Appalachian Upbringing

ISBN 0-87012-849-3

by David Ball

This title provides a window to the past and gives a peek of what life was like around the village of Moatsville, West Virginia, where its sons and daughters did their part to make this a great nation. Paperback. 224 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $16.95 ea.
Moccasin Tracks and Other Imprints
Moccasin Tracks and Other Imprints

Moccasin Tracks and Other Imprints (ISBN 0-87012-157-X)

Moccasin Tracks and Other Imprints

ISBN 0-87012-157-X

by William Christian Dodrill

A descriptive entertaining account of significant times in West Virginia. From the American Revolution to the Civil War, the Appalachians are explored by the author. Paperback. 300 pages.

1915. Third printing, 1999.

47 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Moccasin Trails of the French and Indian War -- The Eastern Frontier 1743-1758, Volume I
Moccasin Trails of the French and Indian War -- The Eastern Frontier 1743-1758, Volume I

Moccasin Trails of the French and Indian War -- The Eastern Frontier 1743-1758, Volume I (ISBN 0-87012-532-X)

Moccasin Trails of the French and Indian War -- The Eastern Frontier 1743-1758, Volume I

ISBN 0-87012-532-X

by Tom Myers

Josh Parker was a man caught up in the times of the Indians, French and English fighting for the vast fertile land known by the Europeans as the New World. He was a friend to the Indians but had to fight for his family and livelihood. Paperback. 280 pages. Purchase with Shadows in the Forestfor $20.00 for both titles.


6 Inventory
@ $9.95 ea.
Molly Mockingbird
Molly Mockingbird

Molly Mockingbird (ISBN 0-87012-909-0)

Molly Mockingbird

ISBN 0-87012-909-0

by Hannah Kay Beverage

A delightful short story of Molly Mockingbird and her experiences in the bushy pine. Paperback. 16 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
The Monongalia Story Volume I -- Prelude
The Monongalia Story Volume I -- Prelude

The Monongalia Story Volume I -- Prelude (ISBN 0-87012-169-3)

The Monongalia Story Volume I -- Prelude

ISBN 0-87012-169-3

by Earl L. Core

(Entire set reprinted 2002)

Probably the most voluminous of all the West Virginia county histories, Volume I contains a general description of the county, including its geology, flora, fauna, and an account of the aborigines, followed by a record of more than 1,000 early settlers. Volume II presents the history from the establishment of the county, in 1776, up to 1826. Volume III relates the story of the next 50 years. Volume IV tells the story of the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial base between 1876 and 1926. Volume V gives the history of the period from 1926 to 1976, stressing the development of West Virginia University the county’s principle element. Hardbound, dust jacket. 484 pages. Order the entire set for $190.00 (a $20.00 savings—dealers excluded).


5 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Monongalia Story -- Volume II -- The Pioneers
Monongalia Story -- Volume II -- The Pioneers

Monongalia Story -- Volume II -- The Pioneers (ISBN 0-87012-245-2)

Monongalia Story -- Volume II -- The Pioneers

ISBN 0-87012-245-2
Out of Stock
The Monongalia Story Volume III -- Discord
The Monongalia Story Volume III -- Discord

The Monongalia Story Volume III -- Discord (ISBN 0-87012-309-2)

The Monongalia Story Volume III -- Discord

ISBN 0-87012-309-2

by Earl L. Core

(Entire set reprinted 2002) Probably the most voluminous of all the West Virginia county histories, Volume I contains a general description of the county, including its geology, flora, fauna, and an account of the aborigines, followed by a record of more than 1,000 early settlers. Volume II presents the history from the establishment of the county, in 1776, up to 1826. Volume III relates the story of the next 50 years. Volume IV tells the story of the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial base between 1876 and 1926. Volume V gives the history of the period from 1926 to 1976, stressing the development of West Virginia University the county’s principle element. Hardbound, dust jacket. 668 pages. Order the entire set for $190.00 (a $20.00 savings—dealers excluded).


6 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
The Monongalia Story Volume IV -- Industrialization
The Monongalia Story Volume IV -- Industrialization

The Monongalia Story Volume IV -- Industrialization (ISBN 0-87012-677-6)

The Monongalia Story Volume IV -- Industrialization

ISBN 0-87012-677-6

by Earl L. Core

(Entire set reprinted 2002) Probably the most voluminous of all the West Virginia county histories, Volume I contains a general

description of the county, including its geology, flora, fauna, and an account of the aborigines, followed by a record of more than 1,000 early settlers. Volume II presents the history from the establishment of the county, in 1776, up to 1826. Volume III relates the story of the next 50 years. Volume IV tells the story of the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial base between 1876 and 1926. Volume V gives the history of the period from 1926 to 1976, stressing the development of West Virginia University the county’s principle element. Hardbound, dustjacket. 680 pages. Order the entire set for $190.00 (a $20.00 savings—dealers excluded).


32 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
The Monongalia Story Volume V -- Sophistication
The Monongalia Story Volume V -- Sophistication

The Monongalia Story Volume V -- Sophistication (ISBN 0-87012-465-X)

The Monongalia Story Volume V -- Sophistication

ISBN 0-87012-465-X

by Earl L. Core

(Entire set reprinted 2002) Probably the most voluminous of all the West Virginia county histories, Volume I contains a general description of the county, including its geology, flora, fauna, and an account of the aborigines, followed by a record of more than 1,000 early settlers. Volume II presents the history from the establishment of the county, in 1776, up to 1826. Volume III relates the story of the next 50 years. Volume IV tells the story of the transformation from an agricultural to an industrial base between

1876 and 1926. Volume V gives the history of the period from 1926 to 1976, stressing the development of West Virginia University the county’s principle element. Hardbound, dust jacket. 660 pages. Order the entire set for $190.00 (a $20.00 savings—dealers excluded).


26 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
More Appalachian Folk Stories
More Appalachian Folk Stories

More Appalachian Folk Stories (ISBN 0-87012-512-5)

More Appalachian Folk Stories

ISBN 0-87012-512-5

by James Gay Jones

Capture your imagination with another intriguing book by this author filled with ghost stories and folktales about Appalachia. This delightful, “hair-raising,” book provides entertainment and an understanding of why there may be a need for ghostbusters. Paperback. 104 pages. Other books by this author are Haunted Valley, Appalachian Ghost Stories and A Wayfaring Sineater. . ..


1 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
More Done Than Said -- A Call for the Return of Humanitarian Values
More Done Than Said -- A Call for the Return of Humanitarian Values

More Done Than Said -- A Call for the Return of Humanitarian Values (ISBN 0-87012-727-6)

More Done Than Said -- A Call for the Return of Humanitarian Values

ISBN 0-87012-727-6

by Fran Perry with Fay Perry

Joe and Fay Perry guided a small storefront Mission into an historic enterprise of service and goodwill. Paperback. 208 pages.

2001. Reprinted 2004.

Out of Stock
Mortgage of America, The -- The Early End of U.S. Independence
Mortgage of America, The -- The Early End of U.S. Independence

Mortgage of America, The -- The Early End of U.S. Independence (ISBN 0-87012-827-2)

Mortgage of America, The -- The Early End of U.S. Independence

ISBN 0-87012-827-2

by William H. Rice

Since the Civil War patriotic Americans have been told that our nation has continued to enjoy the freedom and independence that was fought for and won during the American Revolution. However, a closer examination of the facts as presented in this book tells a different story. When the Confederate States of America was defeated in 1865 the U.S. Independence proclaimed by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence in 1776 essentially ended. Paperback. 56 pages. Other titles by this author include Colonial Records Volumes One, Two, Three, Four, Five, and Six, 1774 List of Tithables, Elkins, WV, and Index to the Estate Records.


4 Inventory
@ $16.00 ea.
A Most Fortunate Life
A Most Fortunate Life

A Most Fortunate Life (ISBN 0-87012-810-8)

A Most Fortunate Life

ISBN 0-87012-810-8

by James "Buck" Harless

The publication of this memoir gives readers an opportunity to contemplate and better understand a unique individual from the mountains of southern West Virginia. Hardbound. 272 pages.


2,877 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Mother's Day -- The Legacy of Anna Jarvis
Mother's Day -- The Legacy of Anna Jarvis

Mother's Day -- The Legacy of Anna Jarvis (ISBN 0-87012-838-8)

Mother's Day -- The Legacy of Anna Jarvis

ISBN 0-87012-838-8

by L. Wayne Sheets

Anna Jarvis took up her mother's dream that "... [I hope that] someone, sometime will found a memorial Mother's Day commemorating her for the matchless service she renders to humanity in every field of life...." Paperback. 216 pages.


548 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
Mountain Heritage
Mountain Heritage

Mountain Heritage (ISBN 0-87012-279-7)

Mountain Heritage

ISBN 0-87012-279-7

Edited by B.B. Mauer, PhD

The most complete one-volume work available on the Appalachian Cultural Heritage of West Virginians. The twelve chapters cover Man and the Appalachian Wilderness, Culture, Arts and Crafts, Language, Folklore and Literature, Family and Home, Music, Religion, Black Culture, The Mountain State, Songs, and Dances. The book is a ready resource for home, school, office, and community. Paperback. 352 pages.

1975. Tenth Printing, 2006.

128 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Music's Journey to Parsons -- A Childhood Memoir of Tannery Row
Music's Journey to Parsons -- A Childhood Memoir of Tannery Row

Music's Journey to Parsons -- A Childhood Memoir of Tannery Row (ISBN 0-87012-853-0)

Music's Journey to Parsons -- A Childhood Memoir of Tannery Row

ISBN 0-87012-853-0

by Carolyn Hull Schurmann

This memoir tells of a time when less was more. It was during the Depression. Even with the dysfunctional aspect of alcoholism in the family, love would override it all and come out the winner. Paperback. 96 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
My Basket Full of Memories
My Basket Full of Memories

My Basket Full of Memories (ISBN 0-87012-949-X)

My Basket Full of Memories

ISBN 0-87012-949-X

By Ann Weaver

Illustrated by Mariah Collins

In this children's book the author shares her basket full of memories, through rhyme, of all her childhood adventures while on her grandparents' farm. Paperback. 24 pages.


9 Inventory
@ $12.95 ea.
My Endearing Appalachia -- Memoirs of Southern West Virginia Coalfield Life
My Endearing Appalachia -- Memoirs of Southern West Virginia Coalfield Life

My Endearing Appalachia -- Memoirs of Southern West Virginia Coalfield Life (ISBN 0-87012-944-9)

My Endearing Appalachia -- Memoirs of Southern West Virginia Coalfield Life

ISBN 0-87012-944-9

By Phylenia French

I want to invite you to peer over my shoulders as I paint for you a picture of bygone days in the coalfields of southern West Virginia. The backdrop of my canvas will be the mountains and the rock cliff that stood behind my house. I will draw that picture with a wider brush. Those wide brush strokes will show you that beside my house there is a huge water tank that supplies the community. And there is a path carved out on the side of the hill where we made our way to a vegetable garden annually. That path served a dual purpose as we traveled to the mountains as children to explore from daylight ‘til dark when weather permitted. For the continuation of my story, I will fill in my canvas with softer bristles at times of good and bad, but with well-defined brush strokes that paint a portrait of the strength of the people in the coal camps as well as the children who stand against tragedies that encroach upon life’s everyday routine. Paperback. 116 pages.

6 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
My Invisible Friend
My Invisible Friend

My Invisible Friend (ISBN 0-87012-832-9)

My Invisible Friend

ISBN 0-87012-832-9

by Paul Dodd

My Invisible Friend is Paul Dodd's latest book recounting life during the Twentieth Century in rural West Virginia. He uses two sets of eyes to view that time period; his own eyes as a child and the eyes of his illustrious invisible friend who is very inquisitive about the world around him. Paperback. 128 pages. Another title by this author is The Gospel According to a Mountain Momma.


5 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
My Outdoor Buddy
My Outdoor Buddy

My Outdoor Buddy (ISBN 0-87012-608-3)

My Outdoor Buddy

ISBN 0-87012-608-3

by Jack O. Moore

The ultimate book for hikers, backpackers and campers. Includes basic first aid, loads of trivia for question games, scary tale starters, and even Bible time. It will help you prepare for more enjoyable and safer outings. Spiralbound. 204 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $19.95 ea.
My Take Off and Landing -- A Career Blended with World Travel
My Take Off and Landing -- A Career Blended with World Travel

My Take Off and Landing -- A Career Blended with World Travel (ISBN 0-87012-892-2)

My Take Off and Landing -- A Career Blended with World Travel

ISBN 0-87012-892-2

by Ruth H. Uldrich

This book is a narrative beginning with my early life with more chronicled while I was in nursing school, followed by 26 years as an Air Force officer and, finally, the time since I retired from the Air Force. I made the Air Force a career after I realized everyone can be a part of improving America and keep her the greatest country in the world.

My life was greatly shaped by serving many years in the Air Force with the guiding principles of love, honor, duty, and country. The national anthem, our song of praise and gladness, awakens my heartfelt love of country, often shown in overflown tearful eyes. I think serving one’s nation in uniform creates an everlasting loyalty and allegiance to one’s country.

Taking my acceptance oath into the Air Force, I vowed to defend and protect America, Land of the Free. I felt very honored doing my duty as an American citizen in uniform. I hope my readers enjoy the story of my adventurous life, often containing unknown dangers. Paperback. 128 pages.


11 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Native Queen
Native Queen

Native Queen (ISBN 0-87012-560-5)

Native Queen

ISBN 0-87012-560-5

by Michael A. Sawyers

This book is for the avid hunter and fisherman. It is full of adventure in the outdoors. The author adds humor with each story he tells about experiences he has had through the years with hunting and fishing. If you love nature and enjoy hunting and fishing, this book is for you. Sawyers publishes a weekly newspaper column, “Hunting and Fishing” in the Cumberland (MD) Times-News. Through 1995, it has won ten awards from the Maryland-Delaware-DC Press Association and two prestigious Mark Twain Awards from the Associated Press. Paperback. 150 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $10.95 ea.
Needs of the Corps -- The Ron Christmas Story
Needs of the Corps -- The Ron Christmas Story

Needs of the Corps -- The Ron Christmas Story (ISBN 0-87012-931-7)

Needs of the Corps -- The Ron Christmas Story

ISBN 0-87012-931-7

by J.P. Hull

An extraordinary story of leadership and selfless service to the nation and the Marine Corps, continuously guided by physical and moral courage. Growing up on the outskirts of Philadelphia, upon college graduation Ron Christmas accepts a commission as a Marine Corps officer, with no expectation of serving beyond his initial few years of obligation. Earning the Navy Cross while leading a rifle company in the epic battle for Hue City, during the 1968 Vietnam Tet Offense, he returns home seriously wounded. He struggles not only to recover from his injuries, but also equally to gain approval to remain in the active ranks of the Marine Corps. What follows is a remarkable three decades of service, finding him assigned in some of the most diversified and demanding duties, while serving with many renowned Navy and Marine Corps leaders and characters. Following a Marine Corps career that culminated at the rank of Lieutenant General, Ron Christmas continued his service to the nation and his Corps in a variety of capacities. The most significant being the role he played in taking the National Museum of the Marine Corps from an idea discussed over breakfast to a national treasure and the edifice it stands as today. A remarkable story of devotion and selfless service, holding timeless lessons for anyone regardless of occupation. Complied by his personal aide during Christmas’s final 23 months of active service in the Marine Corps, it is an inspiring story of the service of an exceptional man. Paperback. 580 pages.

66 Inventory
@ $29.95 ea.
Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars
Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars

Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars (ISBN 0-87012-001-8)

Notes on the Settlement and Indian Wars

ISBN 0-87012-001-8

by Joseph Doddridge

This printing published by John S. Ritenour and Williams T. Lindsey in 1912, describes the settlement and Indian wars of the western parts of Virginia and Pennsylvania from 1763 to 1783, inclusive. (One of the Big Four.) Indexed. Annotated. Paperback. 320 pages.

1824. Fifth Printing, 2000.

437 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Number Nine and Other West Virginia Coal Mine Stories
Number Nine and Other West Virginia Coal Mine Stories

Number Nine and Other West Virginia Coal Mine Stories (ISBN 0-87012-911-2)

Number Nine and Other West Virginia Coal Mine Stories

ISBN 0-87012-911-2

by David Kennedy

Working in the coal mining industry is like working in another country with a different language. Its social rules are feudal. People come to power with little experience and knowledge of that industry and are placed into high-pressure positions where they must fake the job or bully others to make it look like they are capable of managing. When they fail, people get killed. I think it is the last industry where the Master-Slave attitude is still fostered. Paperback. 160 pages.


33 Inventory
@ $21.00 ea.
Old Fields in Peace and War; Rebecca Van Meter's Diary, 1855-1865
Old Fields in Peace and War; Rebecca Van Meter's Diary, 1855-1865

Old Fields in Peace and War; Rebecca Van Meter's Diary, 1855-1865 (ISBN 0-87012-820-5)

Old Fields in Peace and War; Rebecca Van Meter's Diary, 1855-1865

ISBN 0-87012-820-5

by Kelly Sloan Williams, Sidney Williams Gooding, and George M. Williams

A fascinating and engrossing account of a middle-aged woman's perceptions of the turbulent mid-nineteenth century, this diary has much to add to our knowledge of domestic life during the Civil War period. Living in a rural community a few miles north of Moorefield, West Virginia, Old Fields was Rebecca's lifelong home and during the War was the scene of devastation and battling armies. Paperback. 362 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $33.00 ea.
The Old Ridge Runner
The Old Ridge Runner

The Old Ridge Runner (ISBN 0-87012-540-0)

The Old Ridge Runner

ISBN 0-87012-540-0

by Herman Hebb

Reminisce with The Old Ridge Runner himself, as you read his popular column first printed in the Parsons Advocate, a West Virginia newspaper. This is the first time a collection of his childhood experiences and memories have been incorporated into one volume for his faithful readers. Paperback. 196 pages.


21 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
On Beyond Leatherbark: The Cass Saga
On Beyond Leatherbark: The Cass Saga

On Beyond Leatherbark: The Cass Saga (ISBN 0-9624709-0-2)

On Beyond Leatherbark: The Cass Saga

ISBN 0-9624709-0-2

by Roy B. Clarkson

A detailed look into the Cass area and the people who made the railroad and lumber industry prosperous over the years. Cass was and still is a “melting pot” for incidents and events of interest and this second history by Clarkson describes the hardships, triumphs, and historical legacies. Hardbound, dust jacket. 640 pages. Tumult on the Mountains is another title by this author.

1990. Third Printing, 2002.

568 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
On the Skirmish Line
On the Skirmish Line

On the Skirmish Line (ISBN 0-9625273-6-X)

On the Skirmish Line

ISBN 0-9625273-6-X

by William Sanders

The story of William Sanders, attorney, soldier, student, family man, human rights advocate, and citizen of the Mercer County, West Virginia area from birth. Life experiences from childhood, adolescence, military, law school, parenthood, and a thriving law practice. Paperback. 270 pages. Other titles by this author include the New River Heritage series, Clay Family Settlement, Pioneer Churches and Lilly on the Bluestone.


5 Inventory
@ $27.00 ea.
Once Upon Ago
Once Upon Ago

Once Upon Ago (ISBN 0-87012-508-7)

Once Upon Ago

ISBN 0-87012-508-7

by Adrian Gwin

A fascinating collection of “Looking Back” columns from the author’s features in the Charleston Daily Mail, a West Virginia newspaper, where he has rounded out more than fifty years of exceptional feature writing. The book contains adventure stories that will perhaps, strum a chord of similar experiences in your own memory. Paperback. 134 pages.


20 Inventory
@ $4.95 ea.
The Orange-Haired Princess
The Orange-Haired Princess

The Orange-Haired Princess (ISBN 0-87012-917-1)

The Orange-Haired Princess

ISBN 0-87012-917-1

by Justin Evans

Illustrated by Mandy Jane Petry

Follow the orange-haired princess as she struggles with her emotions falling in love with the prince of a nearby town. Paperback. 32 pages.

7 Inventory
@ $13.50 ea.
The Other War -- A World War II Journal
The Other War -- A World War II Journal

The Other War -- A World War II Journal (ISBN 0-87012-775-6)

The Other War -- A World War II Journal

ISBN 0-87012-775-6

by Dr. Donald R. Roberts

“I am a regimental surgeon, and I am informed by dressing wounds and determining the weapons the enemy is using each day. Near the front, doctors do not need to read the terrifying and horrendous reports from ‘Intelligence’ which scare the pants off of everybody back at Regimental Headquarters. For me, the Aid Station is the truth center in combat. Here the wounded, the dying, and the dead are brought. The wounded say how they 'got it’ or what ‘got them’. The dying have their last say, and, for the observant, the dead may speak even more eloquently than the living.” Paperback. 272 pages.


13 Inventory
@ $14.00 ea.
Our Common Legacy of Faith -- The Establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Central West Virginia -- The Story of the Fairmont Branch-Ward, Fairmont, West Virginia (unofficial version)
Our Common Legacy of Faith -- The Establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Central West Virginia -- The Story of the Fairmont Branch-Ward, Fairmont, West Virginia (unofficial version)

Our Common Legacy of Faith -- The Establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Central West Virginia -- The Story of the Fairmont Branch-Ward, Fairmont, West Virginia (unofficial version) (ISBN 0-87012-913-9)

Our Common Legacy of Faith -- The Establishment of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in North Central West Virginia -- The Story of the Fairmont Branch-Ward, Fairmont, West Virginia (unofficial version)

ISBN 0-87012-913-9

by David Kennedy

It is a story of the workings and whisperings of God to the people of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who were born and lived in our part of West Virginia. It is a story of their adaptation to life, of overcoming the hardships of life, and their success in that process. The difference between the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and all the other Christian sects is communication we call ‘revelation given by the Holy Ghost. It embodies two working models: One or the entire church; which is granted to the body of Priesthood and Women leadership Quorums from the tiniest of Branches to the highest-level Stakes and Mission Districts.

The other model being the personal revelation given to the prayerful individual to operate his family and direct him or herself in that humble process. The so-called Christian world tells us that revelation is no longer needed because the scriptures are fulfilled, and God no longer speaks to man...that he is dead; that all those things existed in a world long ago and times have changed. That is not the message our church carries to the world. The brightness that Mormons carry on their faces is a testimony that God does indeed speak again to man and he is directing their course. In 1900, the entire membership of the church was just over 300,000 people and most of those members lived in Utah or Mexico...they used only 4 Temples. Today the membership is worldwide with a congregation of 16 million, the Book of Mormon has been translated into 130 languages and we use over 200 Temples. Revelation from God is the reason the message of Jesus Christ is filling the world. Paperback. 180 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Our Proud Mountain Roots and Heritage
Our Proud Mountain Roots and Heritage

Our Proud Mountain Roots and Heritage (ISBN 0-87012-708-X)

Our Proud Mountain Roots and Heritage

ISBN 0-87012-708-X

by George R. Triplett

This new title focuses on lumbering and the people of the Randolph County, WV, area with an emphasis on Elkins, Bowden, Spruce, Triplett, Glady, and other timbering towns. The descriptions of hardy Celtic Mountain people and the lifestyles of the gandy dancers are culturally and historically significant and are decorated with short anecdotes of this rich area and its people. Over 200 photos. Hardbound. 384 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $35.00 ea.
The Parsons Pioneers
The Parsons Pioneers

The Parsons Pioneers (ISBN 0-87012-762-4)

The Parsons Pioneers

ISBN 0-87012-762-4

by Darlene Irvin Parsons

Journey through Hampshire, Randolph, and Tucker county history -- early forts, American Indians, the struggles of the pioneers, large estates, slaves, the first churches and schools, and the county seats of St. George and Parsons. Meet the legendary Parsons men and women who were instrumental in establishing the new county of Tucker and the new state of West

Virginia: Pioneers, Civil War heroes, attorneys, teachers, political figures, and statesmen like Dr. Solomon Parsons and his son William who served as a delegate to the West Virginia Constitutional Convention. Come to know legends like Captain James Parsons and Squire Job Parsons; meet John Rust Parsons and his wife Diana (Parsons) Parsons who single-handedly established the settlement of Parsonsville, Iowa. This story is a "must-read" so that these distinguished men and women are remembered for their character, political, and spiritual beliefs, and the impact they had on Tucker County and West Virginia. Paperback. 250 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.

Patchwork (ISBN 0-87012-663-6)


ISBN 0-87012-663-6

by Elsie Goodrich

Poetry and stories to touch your heart or bring a twinkle to your eye. Memories, love, impressions, prose, nature, church, people and children are all subjects of this enlightening book. Paperback. 96 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Patchwork Poetry
Patchwork Poetry

Patchwork Poetry (ISBN 0-87012-606-7)

Patchwork Poetry

ISBN 0-87012-606-7

by Joyce Horovitz

Patchwork Poetry offers a truly unique "patchwork" blend of humor and whimsey, nature and the environment, as well as thought-provoking and sincere works of art. Paperback. 36 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $9.95 ea.
The Path to the Springs
The Path to the Springs

The Path to the Springs (ISBN 0-87012-792-6)

The Path to the Springs

ISBN 0-87012-792-6

by Debra Boggs Saunders

So, too, do people, places, and events conspire to uplift and refresh our spirits along our way. In her first collection of poems, Debra Boggs Saunders reflects on this as well as how simple things can lead us to consider the greatest wonders of life. The Path to the Springs is at once a reflection on the universal journey and an expression of gratitude for the circumstances and people who inspire us to realize a higher place in life. As you journey with the author along The Path to the Springs, you cannot help but find your own place of refreshment, your spirit renewed by cleansing waters from an eternal spring.

Paperback. 52 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $10.95 ea.
Pathways of Life as I See Them -- A Journey Then and Now
Pathways of Life as I See Them -- A Journey Then and Now

Pathways of Life as I See Them -- A Journey Then and Now (0-87012-955-4)

Pathways of Life as I See Them -- A Journey Then and Now


By Thomas Lee Stemple

Stories and legends that the author felt needed to be repeated. Paperback. 122 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Pathways Through the Bible
Pathways Through the Bible

Pathways Through the Bible (ISBN 0-87012-961-9)

Pathways Through the Bible

ISBN 0-87012-961-9

By Thomas Lee Stemple

A daily journal of Biblical teachings from the author to the reader. Paperback. 160 pages. Another book by this author is Pathways of Life As I See Them -- A Journey Then and Now.

13 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
The Persistent Search for Excellence
The Persistent Search for Excellence

The Persistent Search for Excellence (ISBN 0-87012-926-1)

The Persistent Search for Excellence

ISBN 0-87012-926-1

By Dr. Herminio L. Gamponia

This book was written to share with readers how one may be successful to achieve his/her career regardless of financial limitations. This book describes how the author succeeded by learning the remarkable and sustaining promises (scriptures) of GOD found in the HOLY BIBLE. The author hopes you will enjoy the incredible, educational journey of Dr. G, as he is called by his friends and the community. Paperback. 104 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $32.00 ea.
A Pictorial History of Dry Fork Railroad, West Virginia and Surrounding Areas
A Pictorial History of Dry Fork Railroad, West Virginia and Surrounding Areas

A Pictorial History of Dry Fork Railroad, West Virginia and Surrounding Areas (ISBN 0-87012-866-3)

A Pictorial History of Dry Fork Railroad, West Virginia and Surrounding Areas

ISBN 0-87012-866-3

by Chris Kidwell

Over 1,400 photos of the Dry Fork Railroad and surrounding areas including Jenningston, Stover, Hendricks, Laneville/Red Creek, Harman, Job, Whitmer, Horton, Osceola, Spruce Knob, Shaver's Mountain, Onego, Gladwin, Teterton, Riverton, Circleville, and Franklin. Paperback. 452 pages.


48 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
A Pictorial History of McDowell County -- 1858-1958 -- From Rural Farms to Coal Kingdom
A Pictorial History of McDowell County -- 1858-1958 -- From Rural Farms to Coal Kingdom

A Pictorial History of McDowell County -- 1858-1958 -- From Rural Farms to Coal Kingdom (ISBN 0-87012-692-X)

A Pictorial History of McDowell County -- 1858-1958 -- From Rural Farms to Coal Kingdom

ISBN 0-87012-692-X

by Jean Battlo

A comprehensive pictorial history of McDowell County, West Virginia. Contains over 900 photos including photographs of the ravaging floods of 2001 and 2002. Paperback. 572 pages. Additional shipping charges for this title due to the weight of books—$8.00 for the first copy, $4.00 for each additional copy ordered. Other books by this author include Appalachian Gothic Tales, Kimball, West Virginia 1911-2011 Still Standing -- Birth of the Small Town in the N&W Era, and Mahotep Synod.

2003. Reprinted 2007.

26 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
A Pictorial History of Tucker County, West Virginia
A Pictorial History of Tucker County, West Virginia

A Pictorial History of Tucker County, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-773-X)

A Pictorial History of Tucker County, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-773-X

Compiled by Chris Kidwell

A photographic history of Tucker County, West Virginia with over 1,600 photos and postcards. Paperback. 412 pages.


165 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
Pocahontas Coal
Pocahontas Coal

Pocahontas Coal (ISBN 0-87012-823-X)

Pocahontas Coal

ISBN 0-87012-823-X

by McArts Fine Arts Organization and Jean Battlo

Reprinted edition of the 1936 publication of Pocahontas Coal with information on the coalfields of Pocahontas County, West Virginia. Paperback. 24 pages.

1936. Reprinted 2012.

5 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Poems of Faith
Poems of Faith

Poems of Faith (ISBN 0-87012-744-6)

Poems of Faith

ISBN 0-87012-744-6

by E. Leon Linger, MD

Dr. E. Leon Linger shares the importance of religion in his life and his strong belief in God, through his poems of faith. This new release is a compilation of his writings focusing on God, faith and religion. Paperback. 112 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $14.00 ea.
Poems from the Heart
Poems from the Heart

Poems from the Heart (ISBN 0-87012-845-0)

Poems from the Heart

ISBN 0-87012-845-0

by Robert Carmody, Jr.

Poetry that expresses the author's dedication to his faith: Thank you to our Lord for His guidance and inspiration and to all those who have helped and supported this book. Paperback. 64 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $16.00 ea.
Poems, Prayers, Short Stories and Other Stuff
Poems, Prayers, Short Stories and Other Stuff

Poems, Prayers, Short Stories and Other Stuff (ISBN 0-87012-964-3)

Poems, Prayers, Short Stories and Other Stuff

ISBN 0-87012-964-3

By Patrick O. Conde

The momentous events in life are not always the most dramatic. Read the quiet reflections of a man’s enduring life moments woven into this work of short stories. The author writes about his relationships with his beloved cats, with God and with an unlikely roommate. A former Eagle Scout, Penn State graduate with a mining degree, and a U.S. Marine, he may teach you about the hunting tactics of American Indians or the secrets of a sometimes-successful dog trainer. His quirky, wry sense of humor will surely make you smile.

You are about to discover one man’s heartfelt stories full of truths and life lessons--through the relationships from his cats to God, with a grin of inspiration, all the way to Amen. Paperback. 230 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Quantum Entanglement
Quantum Entanglement

Quantum Entanglement (ISBN 0-87012-951-1)

Quantum Entanglement

ISBN 0-87012-951-1

By Dale Darnall

"Dale Darnall’s Quantum Entanglement is unlike any book I’ve ever read. Part billiard-hall memoir, part practical tips for improving your pool game, this book is a pleasure on many levels. I don’t think I’ve learned so much from a debut novel. I couldn’t put it down." Doug Van Gundy

"A poolroom story with a romantic adventure. I enjoyed the read and I learned something." Jeff Pawlik

Paperback. 212 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Quantum Ping and Other Stories from My Life, The
Quantum Ping and Other Stories from My Life, The

Quantum Ping and Other Stories from My Life, The (ISBN 0-87012-805-1)

Quantum Ping and Other Stories from My Life, The

ISBN 0-87012-805-1

by Michael D. Mueller

An autobiography of a baby boomer that explains How and Why everything is connected. "The Quantum Ping presents what I know about Being and Knowing and how I know it...More than once I wondered if all of my thinking about thinking -- my prolonged contemplations of The Origin and Mechanics of Mind -- produced a temporary madness, especially when combined with the cognitive effects of my brain hemorrhage... In any event, I found my answers." The Author. Hardbound with dust jacket. 600 pages.


14 Inventory
@ $50.00 ea.
Ramblin' Outdoors -- A Favorite Selection of Wildlife Stories from the Woods and Waters
Ramblin' Outdoors -- A Favorite Selection of Wildlife Stories from the Woods and Waters

Ramblin' Outdoors -- A Favorite Selection of Wildlife Stories from the Woods and Waters (ISBN 0-87012-816-7)

Ramblin' Outdoors -- A Favorite Selection of Wildlife Stories from the Woods and Waters

ISBN 0-87012-816-7

by Bob Fala

As a certified wildlife biologist, Bob Fala is an outdoor columnist for the Logan, WV, Banner. For the most part, this book is a favorite collection of articles and columns over the past 25 years. The pages are full of outdoor adventures, full-color wildlife photos, and stories of the joys of the great outdoors. Paperback. 196 pages. Another book by this author is The Upland Alleghenies.


9 Inventory
@ $19.95 ea.
...random honesties
...random honesties

...random honesties (ISBN 0-87012-939-2)

...random honesties

ISBN 0-87012-939-2

by Rebecca J. Ferrell

Sugar makes life a little sweeter, salt makes us thirsty for more and butter makes it all go down a little smoother… …to my grandma, who loves and uses them all, excessively. …and to my darlings, my piglets, and my prayer gang… If you really want to know me… how I think, what’s important to me, how much I love you, what I want for you… …read my book If you want to know God, how He thinks, what’s important to Him, how much He loves you, and what He wants for you… read HIS BOOK… Paperback. 120 pages.


12 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Rattlesnake Riddle
Rattlesnake Riddle

Rattlesnake Riddle (ISBN 0-87012-732-2)

Rattlesnake Riddle

ISBN 0-87012-732-2

by Helen Groves Hedrick

On the high plateau of the Allegheny Highlands in West Virginia lies a picturesque scenic spot called Dolly Sods. Historical importance and natural beauty are presented in this third book for children by Helen Hedrick. In their childhood, Boo and Eze found a breathtaking patch of spring wildflowers beneath a hemlock tree. To their surprise, a timber rattler nearby was enjoying the warmth of a bright spring day. While it lay very still on a big rock, the girls silently slipped away from the poisonous snake. Years later, Miss Eze became a teacher and inspired many children to look, listen and learn about all living things. The book presents adventurous danger in a unique manner that you will remember for a long time. The secretive riddle is revealed as you explore the story. 48 pages. Other books by this author include, Flying Moments, Life and Times of Ole Roan and Sis and the Singing Hens. Paperback.


4 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Rattlesnake Riddle
Rattlesnake Riddle

Rattlesnake Riddle (ISBN 0-87012-687-3)

Rattlesnake Riddle

ISBN 0-87012-687-3

by Helen Groves Hedrick

On the high plateau of the Allegheny Highlands in West Virginia lies a picturesque scenic spot called Dolly Sods. Historical importance and natural beauty are presented in this third book for children by Helen Hedrick. In their childhood, Boo and Eze found a breathtaking patch of spring wildflowers beneath a hemlock tree. To their surprise, a timber rattler nearby was enjoying the warmth of a bright spring day. While it lay very still on a big rock, the girls silently slipped away from the poisonous snake. Years later, Miss Eze became a teacher and inspired many children to look, listen and learn about all living things. The book presents adventurous danger in a unique manner that you will remember for a long time. The secretive riddle is revealed as you explore the story. 48 pages. Other books by this author include, Flying Moments, Life and Times of Ole Roan and Sis and the Singing Hens. Hardbound with dust jacket.


4 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Youth Football
Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Youth Football

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Youth Football (ISBN 0-87012-794-2)

Reading, Writing, Arithmetic and Youth Football

ISBN 0-87012-794-2

by Joe Thomas

This account of contact football involving eight to thirteen-year-old players can be used as a guide to help youngsters, coaches, parents, and fans who are either presently involved in a youth football program or planning to initiate a new program.

Paperback. 64 pages.

1985. Reprinted 2009.

5 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Recipe for Caregivers of Homebound Adults
Recipe for Caregivers of Homebound Adults

Recipe for Caregivers of Homebound Adults (ISBN 087012-769-1)

Recipe for Caregivers of Homebound Adults

ISBN 087012-769-1

by Elaine Gaines, RN and Susan Warzel, RN 2008.

Written by two registered nurses who want to share their professional and personal experience, this book offers tricks of the trade for keeping you well-organized and well-balanced. Paperback. 144 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $18.95 ea.
Reflections of a Native Son
Reflections of a Native Son

Reflections of a Native Son (ISBN 0-87012-741-1)

Reflections of a Native Son

ISBN 0-87012-741-1

by Edgell Turley

Poetry at its finest; from patriotism and childhood memories to the golden years, Edgell Turley has expressed his love for family, country, and heritage in this new release. Paperback. 144 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Rexrode Art
Rexrode Art

Rexrode Art (ISBN 0-87012-011-5)

Rexrode Art

ISBN 0-87012-011-5

by William F. Rexrode

A collection of fifty of the best sketches of William Rexrode, West Virginia artist. The sketches can be pulled out of the album and placed in 8 x 10-inch frames as desired without interfering with the remaining pictures in the album. Plastic bound. 88 pages.


1 Inventory
@ $4.95 ea.
Rhymes and Riddles of a Country Teacher
Rhymes and Riddles of a Country Teacher

Rhymes and Riddles of a Country Teacher (ISBN 0-87012-696-2)

Rhymes and Riddles of a Country Teacher

ISBN 0-87012-696-2

by Judith Davis

This title combines rhymes and riddles for children with inspirational poetry to create an impressive collection for all ages. The author has won numerous awards for her poetry and has worked with children throughout her professional life. Paperback. 100 pages.


10 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Born ~ 1740 near Richmond, Virginia Died at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C. March 15, 1781
Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Born ~ 1740 near Richmond, Virginia Died at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C. March 15, 1781

Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Born ~ 1740 near Richmond, Virginia Died at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C. March 15, 1781 (ISBN 0-87012-893-0)

Richard Nugen -- American Revolutionary War Soldier -- Born ~ 1740 near Richmond, Virginia Died at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, N.C. March 15, 1781

ISBN 0-87012-893-0

by Karen J. Dunn

This is an account of the life of Richard Nugen, a member of Captain Henry Buford’s militia company in Bedford County, Virginia, in August 1777. The lives of the men in this unit are intertwined again and again for years to come.

You won’t find Richard Nugen’s name listed in Virginia Soldiers in the American Revolution or another list of soldiers in the Revolution. Records about privates in the war are few and far between. Records about those killed in the war are fewer yet.

In the case of Richard Nugen, the situation in Virginia became critical when Lord Cornwallis invaded Virginia in 1781. J. T. McAllister put it this way in his book Virginia Militia in The Revolution: “In 1781, practically all of the available militia of Virginia were summoned into service, taking part in the Battle of Guilford Court House, and serving with Lafayette and at the Siege of Yorktown”.

Col. Charles Lynch took three hundred Bedford militia to the Battle of Guilford Courthouse in North Carolina. Lord Cornwallis’ army met General Nathaniel Greene’s army on March 15, 1781. The bloody battle lasted for two and a half hours. Lord Cornwallis’ army chased General Greene’s army from the battlefield. Hundreds of British and American soldiers lay on the battlefield dead, dying or severely wounded.

On May 28, 1781, five widows gathered at the Bedford County Courthouse to initiate the process of settling their husband’s estates. The widows were of three captains killed in Col. Charles Lynch’s Company of riflemen. The husbands of Elizabeth Nugen and Anna Greer were most certainly killed in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse as well. Family and friends gathered to support these widows. Fellow militiamen of Richard Nugen, Sr., Thomas Pate, and Samuel Shrewsberry would be appointed to appraise his estate.

In the case of Elizabeth Nugen, she would die before a year passed.

On May 27, 1782, the three youngest children of Richard and Elizabeth Nugen were bonded to Daniel Huddleston. Daniel Huddleston and his wife Rachel cared about the orphans of their neighbors Richard and Elizabeth Nugen. Daniel Huddleston brought John Nugen, the youngest bonded child, to Kanawha County, Virginia, in 1790. Kanawha County was on the frontier at the time. The Indians still raided the area. Daniel Huddleston and John Nugen served in the Rangers to protect the settlements in 1793. Richard Nugen, Jr. (older brother of John Nugen) and Rachael Nugen Huddleston (older sister of John Nugen) moved to Kanawha County too. Richard Nugen Jr. served in the Caperton Rangers in 1793. Richard Nugen, Jr. returned to Bedford County where he died approximately 1808 or 1809.

Richard Nugen, Jr’s children, David and Hannah Nugen came to Kanawha County, Virginia, after the death of their father in about 1808 where their Aunt Rachel Nugen Huddleston and Uncle John Nugen lived at that time.

Numerous descendants of David Nugen live in Kanawha and Fayette Counties, West Virginia, today. Many Nugen descendants moved west with the expansion of the nation to the Pacific Ocean. The events of the Revolutionary War changed the lives of Richard Nugen’s family. Richard Nugen gave his life for our freedom. He deserves to be remembered and honored. We need to guard our freedom for which he fought and died. Paperback. 130 pages. Other books by this author include Bedford County Virginia Militia 1774-1783, John Jenkins -- American Revolutionary War Soldier, and Just Butterflies.


12 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Richard Road Journey from Hate
Richard Road Journey from Hate

Richard Road Journey from Hate (ISBN 0-87012-811-6)

Richard Road Journey from Hate

ISBN 0-87012-811-6

by Ludwig Gutmann

A memoir of a family that seemed to lose all in leaving home and country; but, instead, gained a new life and, but hard work and devotion; success for their children. Relatives and friends who would not, or could not leave; suffered. Many died, to the unending sorrow of those who escaped. Paperback. 260 copies. Other titles by the author are The Immobile Man and The Sunken Fang Society. Paperback. 260 pages.


18 Inventory
@ $22.95 ea.
Riley Goes to the Races
Riley Goes to the Races

Riley Goes to the Races (ISBN 0-87012-796-9)

Riley Goes to the Races

ISBN 0-87012-796-9

by Sheryl McCutcheon

An ordinary day turns into an adventure when Riley goes to his first motocross race.

Paperback. 16 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $9.44 ea.
Riley's Birthday Surprise
Riley's Birthday Surprise

Riley's Birthday Surprise (ISBN 0-87012-803-5)

Riley's Birthday Surprise

ISBN 0-87012-803-5

by Sheryl McCutcheon

An ordinary day turns into an adventure when Riley has a birthday. Another book by this author is Riley Goes to the Races. Paperback. 16 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $9.44 ea.
RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection
RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection

RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection (ISBN 0-87012-671-7)

RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection

ISBN 0-87012-671-7

by M.D. Stuart

A compilation of stories from journals and recollections dedicated to all creatures that feel that they don’t quite measure up to, nor accept, the world’s definition of beauty. Paperback. 100 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection
RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection

RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection (ISBN 0-87012-753-5)

RITCH -- Stories and Journals for "Ritch" Living Without Perfection

ISBN 0-87012-753-5

by M.D. Stuart

A compilation of stories from journals and recollections dedicated to all creatures that feel that they don’t quite measure up to, nor accept, the world’s definition of beauty. Hardbound with dust jacket. 100 pages.


4 Inventory
Robinson-Tabb House A Chapter of Berkeley County History
Robinson-Tabb House A Chapter of Berkeley County History

Robinson-Tabb House A Chapter of Berkeley County History (ISBN 0-87012-887-6)

Robinson-Tabb House A Chapter of Berkeley County History

ISBN 0-87012-887-6

by Dave McMillion

The Robinson-Tabb House in Berkeley County, West Virginia, is no more spectacular than thousands of other beautiful historic homes across the Mountain State. But it has its own heart-warming stories, ones that should not be lost as the Eastern Panhandle continues to grow. Like the Dillon Farm Museum over the hill from the property, the house should stand as a monument to Berkeley County’s early settlement days and allow people to learn about Berkeley County’s agricultural past. Paperback. 20 pages.


22 Inventory
@ $7.00 ea.
Roland Sharp, Country Doctor, Memories of a Life Well Lived
Roland Sharp, Country Doctor, Memories of a Life Well Lived

Roland Sharp, Country Doctor, Memories of a Life Well Lived (ISBN 0-87012-771-3)

Roland Sharp, Country Doctor, Memories of a Life Well Lived

ISBN 0-87012-771-3

by Pocahontas Communications Cooperative Corporation

Roland Sharp, Country Doctor is a fascinating life story of a 100-year-old physician who has remained true to his ideals of service throughout a 75-year career. Paperback. 264 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Sarah Beth, Eat Your Broccoli
Sarah Beth, Eat Your Broccoli

Sarah Beth, Eat Your Broccoli (ISBN 0-87012-757-8)

Sarah Beth, Eat Your Broccoli

ISBN 0-87012-757-8

by Nancy Merical

Sarah Beth, Eat Your Broccoli! is Nancy’s second book for children. Her first, a Sunday School program book, is marketed by Lillenas Drama Resources. Nancy’s other books are Down Life’s Path with Mom and Dad, a collection of essays from her weekly Jackson Herald newspaper column, and fiction novels Someday and A Child Shall Lead Them, all available from Infinity at Nancy’s works have also found publication in greeting cards and calendar verses, numerous periodicals, devotionals, and poetry and nonfiction anthologies. Nancy and her husband, Jack, live on thirteen acres in Fairplain, West Virginia. They have four children, ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. Nancy also teaches piano, paints animals on rocks, and produces photographs for “In His Image” Photography. Nancy may be contacted by mail at HC 80, Box 187, Ripley, WV 25271, or by calling 304-372-3001. Paperback. 52 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $7.99 ea.
Saved by Sago: A Pastor's Perspective
Saved by Sago: A Pastor's Perspective

Saved by Sago: A Pastor's Perspective (ISBN 0-87012-749-7)

Saved by Sago: A Pastor's Perspective

ISBN 0-87012-749-7

by Rev. Andrew Kranyc

This book is a series of personal reflections in which you will experience the many hopes, prayers, and emotions of those present during the terrible days of the coal mining tragedy in Sago, West Virginia, as well as insights into the various themes and questions that arose as a result of the media coverage of the events as they unfolded. Paperback. 80 pages.


24 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Scales, Skinks, Scutes & Newts -- An Introduction to West Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles
Scales, Skinks, Scutes & Newts -- An Introduction to West Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles

Scales, Skinks, Scutes & Newts -- An Introduction to West Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles (ISBN 0-87012-657-1)

Scales, Skinks, Scutes & Newts -- An Introduction to West Virginia's Amphibians and Reptiles

ISBN 0-87012-657-1

by Norma Jean Venable

Illustrated by Ann

Salamanders, frogs, turtles, lizards, and snakes are all featured throughout this information booklet on nature in West Virginia. This title is one in a series of Natural Resources books published by West Virginia University and McClain Printing Company. Illustrated. Paperback. 24 pages. Other titles by this author currently in print include Dolly Sods and Canaan Valley.


23 Inventory
@ $4.00 ea.
A School Named Lewis -- Grassy Meadows, West Virginia
A School Named Lewis -- Grassy Meadows, West Virginia

A School Named Lewis -- Grassy Meadows, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-808-6)

A School Named Lewis -- Grassy Meadows, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-808-6

by Irma Smith Cadle

A documentary history of Lewis School in Grassy Meadows, West Virginia, and other one-room schools in Greenbrier County, W.V. Paperback. 80 pages. Another book by this author is Jewel of the Meadow -- History of the Blue Sulphur Spring.


Out of Stock
Script of Life and Love
Script of Life and Love

Script of Life and Love (ISBN 0-87012-793-4 )

Script of Life and Love

ISBN 0-87012-793-4

by Emmett L. Lambert

Emmett Lambert struggled for years over theological questions about the events recorded of Christ in the garden and on the cross. Finally, the answer was clear to him. This book tells of his in-depth studies, prayers, and searching until the answers to “Take this cup from me” and “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” were revealed to him. Paperback. 64 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.25 ea.
Shadows in the Forest, Volume II
Shadows in the Forest, Volume II

Shadows in the Forest, Volume II (ISBN 0-87012-528-6)

Shadows in the Forest, Volume II

ISBN 0-87012-528-6

by Tom E. Myers

The continuing saga of Josh and Libby Parker and the next generation as they pioneer the eastern frontier. Volume II follows Moccasin Trails of the French and Indian War. Paperback. 272 pages. .


5 Inventory
@ $11.95 ea.
Shattered Dawn
Shattered Dawn

Shattered Dawn ( ISBN 0-87012-764-0)

Shattered Dawn

ISBN 0-87012-764-0

by Gilbert Elliott

Five siblings spread across the United States find themselves in the fight for the life and freedom of our country after the enemies of the U.S. launch their most audacious attack designed to topple the western nations. Paperback. 176 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Smoke Hole Adventure
Smoke Hole Adventure

Smoke Hole Adventure (ISBN 0-87012-833-7)

Smoke Hole Adventure

ISBN 0-87012-833-7

by Whitney Lough

Illustrated by Jeff Cosner

Join the author as she tells the story of her adventures trip to the legendary Smoke Hole Caverns in the hills of West Virginia. The children's tale is enhanced by full-color illustrations. Paperback. 36 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
The Snows of Pine Ridge
The Snows of Pine Ridge

The Snows of Pine Ridge (ISBN 0-87012-672-5)

The Snows of Pine Ridge

ISBN 0-87012-672-5

by Dr. Eugene P. Wratchford

A unique book that weaves the author’s beliefs and philosophy about life, marriage, and the family, death and dying, and a religious faith including forgiveness and redemption within an adulterous, passionate romance between a minister and a nurse. Paperback. 180 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
So You Want To Own a Home?
So You Want To Own a Home?

So You Want To Own a Home? (ISBN 0-87012-595-8)

So You Want To Own a Home?

ISBN 0-87012-595-8

by John R. Knight

This is a light-hearted look at keeping up with the biggest purchase you might ever make. This book is filled with fun, facts, tips, and serious knowledge to help the average unhandy, hammer-the-finger individual SAVE on unnecessary service calls, without worry, frustration, panic and ulcers. Paperback. 156 pages.


2 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Solomon Shilling -- Come to Court
Solomon Shilling -- Come to Court

Solomon Shilling -- Come to Court (ISBN 0-87012-492-7)

Solomon Shilling -- Come to Court

ISBN 0-87012-492-7

by Frances Deitz Parsons

This true romantic story of the late 1800s takes place in St. George, West Virginia, the first county seat of Tucker County. Although the rape victim and those who protected her and her child are fictitious, it is now known that the families involved included Hebbs, Bowmans, Minears, Bonners and Deitz (Deets). Paperback. 538 pages.

1944. Reprinted 1991.

6 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Some Things to Think About
Some Things to Think About

Some Things to Think About (ISBN 0-87012-756-X )

Some Things to Think About

ISBN 0-87012-756-X

by Rex White

Each poem that the author has written is dedicated to God because without him it would not be possible to write the words of inspiration and faith that are in this book. The author’s hope is that something written in one of these poems will help someone find something that will draw them closer to God. Paperback. 64 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Somewhere in a Place in Time
Somewhere in a Place in Time

Somewhere in a Place in Time (ISBN 0-87012-952-X)

Somewhere in a Place in Time

ISBN 0-87012-952-X

By Gary Blake

The author's memories inspired by his loving, wife. Paperback. 96 pages.


7 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Songs and Poems of Loafer's Valley
Songs and Poems of Loafer's Valley

Songs and Poems of Loafer's Valley (ISBN 0-87012-859-0)

Songs and Poems of Loafer's Valley

ISBN 0-87012-859-0

by Marvin G. Miller

During the Depression, in the little community at Tanner No. Four in Gilmer County, there were many young people who were without work. For their own amusement, they formed a literary society. They met at the local schoolhouse and played music, sang songs, recited poetry, etc. They created their own little village with a mayor, sheriff, etc. They called their "town" Loafers Valley. Paperback. 68 pages. Another title by this author is Wild is the Country.


10 Inventory
@ $29.95 ea.
A Soul's Journey Through Cancer
A Soul's Journey Through Cancer

A Soul's Journey Through Cancer (ISBN 0-87012-674-1)

A Soul's Journey Through Cancer

ISBN 0-87012-674-1

by Jane Urso

This story is one of one woman’s experiences following a cancer diagnosis. While her experience is not unique, it is one that should be shared by many cancer patients who look at their disease through the eyes of the spirit. This story is from a spiritual perspective, not a religious one, although the author was touched by God throughout her ordeal. Paperback. 32 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $5.00 ea.
Sowing Seeds
Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds (ISBN 0-87012-726-8)

Sowing Seeds

ISBN 0-87012-726-8

by Burlington United Methodist Family Services

A collection of stories and poems by the children of the Burlington United Methodist Children’s Home. Limited number of copies available. Paperback. 80 pages. See also Through Our Eyes.


2 Inventory
@ $8.00 ea.
Speak to the Past: A Memoir Fat With Words
Speak to the Past: A Memoir Fat With Words

Speak to the Past: A Memoir Fat With Words (ISBN 0-87012-612-1)

Speak to the Past: A Memoir Fat With Words

ISBN 0-87012-612-1

by Margaret Calwell

More than a simple collection of personal remembrances from life in Davis, West Virginia, this book artfully blends beautifully described personal experiences with straightforward historical and cultural observations. This West Virginia native captures well the values, diversities, and inner workings of the people of Appalachia. Paperback. 232 pages.

2000. Reprinted 2004.

2 Inventory
@ $19.95 ea.
A Step of Faith -- Inspirational Poems
A Step of Faith -- Inspirational Poems

A Step of Faith -- Inspirational Poems (ISBN 0-87012-715-2)

A Step of Faith -- Inspirational Poems

ISBN 0-87012-715-2

by Deloris Lowe

The author dedicates this title to God, her family and friends who are all inspiring. Paperback. 128 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Still Lifes
Still Lifes

Still Lifes (ISBN 0-87012-644-X)

Still Lifes

ISBN 0-87012-644-X

by Rebecca Camhi

A retrospective of poetry and family history with photographs. Paperback. 60 pages. Another book by this author is Deepwater Mountain — A novel of West Virginia.


5 Inventory
@ $9.95 ea.
The Store -- Memories of the Peoples Store and Supply
The Store -- Memories of the Peoples Store and Supply

The Store -- Memories of the Peoples Store and Supply (ISBN 0-87012-788-8)

The Store -- Memories of the Peoples Store and Supply

ISBN 0-87012-788-8

by James Samuel Brill

The Store. . . takes us back to the days of the old fashioned general store, where a person could find just about anything he needed and sell his wool, eggs, butter, ginseng or chickens as well. The author grew up in an apartment above the Peoples Store and Supply, on the banks of the Greenbrier River in Marlinton, West Virginia. You will find his vivid memories of The Store as delightful as did the readers of his hometown paper, the Pocahontas Times when they were first published as a series of articles in 2006. The story focuses on the years of Sam’s boyhood, the 1930s, but it looks back to The Store’s founding in 1915 and ahead to its final days in the mid-1980s. Paperback. 56 pages.


19 Inventory
@ $5.00 ea.
Stories Behind the Songs
Stories Behind the Songs

Stories Behind the Songs (ISBN 0-87012-922-8)

Stories Behind the Songs

ISBN 0-87012-922-8

by Margaret Sue Phillips

Photos and memories of country music entertainer, Margaret Sue Phillips. Follow her career and love of family throughout the pages of her life. Paperback. 62 pages.

12 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume One
The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume One

The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume One (ISBN 0-87012-583-4)

The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume One

ISBN 0-87012-583-4

by Harold Almond

This general practitioner recounts his most entertaining and heartwarming tales of his life as a doctor in West Virginia. These easy-to-read stories are sure to enlighten and humor any reader. Paperback. 120 pages. See Tender Loving are.

1997. Third printing, 2003.

3 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume Two Tender Loving Care
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume Two Tender Loving Care

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume Two Tender Loving Care (ISBN 0-87012-728-4)

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor -- Volume Two Tender Loving Care

ISBN 0-87012-728-4

by Greenbrier Almond

In 1997, Greenbrier Almond’s father Dr. Harold Almond published The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor, a collection of fifty-five short stories about his experiences as a small-town doctor in central West Virginia. Using videotapes of Dr. Almond’s fifty-two appearances on his son’s television how, Tender Loving Care, Greenbrier has put into writing seventy additional stories of his father’s very colorful life. Some of the stories are humorous, some poignant, and all give insight into the challenges and rewards of small-town medicine. Paperback. 144 pages. See also Stories of a West Virginia Doctor.


9 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor's Son -- Volume Three
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor's Son -- Volume Three

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor's Son -- Volume Three (ISBN 0-87012-821-3)

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor's Son -- Volume Three

ISBN 0-87012-821-3

by Greenbrier Almond

Following the path of his father, Dr. Harold Almond, who published his memoirs in The Stories of a West Virginia Doctor, Dr. Greenbrier Almond now shares his own stories. He offers a unique perspective on growing up the son of a country doctor in the heart of Appalachia. His recollections, which center around family, friends, school, expanding horizons, community life, and Upshur County, are humorous and heartwarming. Paperback. 132 pages.


427 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor for His Grandchildren -- Volume Four
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor for His Grandchildren -- Volume Four

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor for His Grandchildren -- Volume Four (ISBN 0-87012-840-X)

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor for His Grandchildren -- Volume Four

ISBN 0-87012-840-X

by Greenbrier Almond

For the fourth book in the Stories of a West Virginia Doctor series, Dr. Greenbrier Almond continues the tradition of welcoming readers into his family's life, offering a unique perspective of a doctor's son becoming a doctor himself. Included are stories of his parents, his childhood and teenage years, those of his own family with his children and now grandchildren, as well as observations of practicing medicine and reflections of a foundation of faith. Paperback. 176 pages.


26 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin --  Volume Five
Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin --  Volume Five

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Five (ISBN 0-87012-857-4)

Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Five

ISBN 0-87012-857-4

by Greenbrier Almond

For this fifth book in the Stories of a West Virginia Doctor series, Dr. Greenbrier Almond again welcomes readers into his life as a doctor's son becoming a doctor himself. Included are stories of family and friendship from his idyllic childhood, transporting the reader back to a simpler place and time. Paperback. 176 pages.


29 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Stories of a West Virginia Family -- Volume Six
Stories of a West Virginia Family -- Volume Six

Stories of a West Virginia Family -- Volume Six (ISBN 0-87012-861-2)

Stories of a West Virginia Family -- Volume Six

ISBN 0-87012-861-2

by Greenbrier Almond, K Almond, Anne Almond, Ruth Almond Wiewiora, and Beth Almond Ford

The latest release in a series of books started by a West Virginia doctor continued with his son and now the remaining siblings of the family. Paperback. 160 pages.


13 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
(More) Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Seven
(More) Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Seven

(More) Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Seven (ISBN 0-87012-899-X)

(More) Stories of a West Virginia Doctor For Kith and Kin -- Volume Seven

ISBN 0-87012-899-X

by Dr. Greenbrier Almond

A series of enduring popularity, Stories of a West Virginia Doctor has touched countless readers with down-to-earth stories of life in the heart of Appalachia. In this seventh volume, Dr. Greenbrier Almond expands the horizon, regaling his readers with stories from his travels around the world to places such as the Holy Land, Australia, and the Philippines. He also shares delightful and charming stories about his four granddaughters, experiences from his many years of doctoring, recollections of family holidays past and present, and musings that give pause for thought. As a special bonus, Dr. Almond’s cousin Judy Sutton Cochran has provided the Almond Family Tree and vintage photos. Paperback. 240 pages.


16 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
The Story of the Old Beast
The Story of the Old Beast

The Story of the Old Beast (ISBN 0-87012-954-6)

The Story of the Old Beast

ISBN 0-87012-954-6

By Gary Blake

Gary created the Old Beast several years ago not as a "Big Foot" but as a spoof on the problems with human behavior and how

humanity has deteriorated in the last several years. He began writing about the Old Beast to make a point of how much better the world would be if people got back to basics and were loyal, trustworthy, and caring. By creating this character and the descriptions of wild places and natural ways of life, he tried to implant a lesson in every story. Paperback. 84 pages.

2 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.

Sugarlands (ISBN 0-87012-387-4)


ISBN 0-87012-387-4

by Foster Mullenax

The Great Depression crushed the main character, Elmer, like the grinding heel of the wood hick’s corked shoe on a rattlesnake’s head. His life as a timber beast with a worn-out portable sawmill, coal miner, and his dream of owning his own mine produced a man of stature and self-worth achieved through the gift of intelligence, desire and love. From the first to the last page, Sugarlands is a vivid account of what life was like for these poor struggling hill folks who gave in but never gave up. Paperback. 422 pages. Another title by this author is Capasheea’s Leadmine.

1980. Reprinted 1999.

36 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Sunken Destiny
Sunken Destiny

Sunken Destiny (ISBN 0-87012-953-8)

Sunken Destiny

ISBN 0-87012-953-8

By Amy Mowery

Lili and Brennan were strangers before their senior trip on the cruise ship Destiny. But after it sinks, and the become trapped inside along with others, they evolve into a makeshift family waiting for a rescue that would eventually come. Paperback. 104 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $20.00 ea.
Sunken Fang Society, The -- Momentous Moments
Sunken Fang Society, The -- Momentous Moments

Sunken Fang Society, The -- Momentous Moments (ISBN 0-87012-846-9)

Sunken Fang Society, The -- Momentous Moments

ISBN 0-87012-846-9

by Ludwig Gutmann

A collection of short stories that present epochal events in the lives of people both fictional and real. Some have been Doctor Gutmann's patients and are written with their permission. Paperback. 180 pages. Other titles by this author are The Immobile Man and Richard Road.


27 Inventory
@ $21.95 ea.
Tales and Lore of the Mountaineers
Tales and Lore of the Mountaineers

Tales and Lore of the Mountaineers (ISBN 9997635930)

Tales and Lore of the Mountaineers

ISBN 9997635930

by William B. Price

Legends of Indians, haunted houses, stories of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, tales of old inns and taverns, and of the early moonshiners, superstitions, games and recipes. Paperback. 176 pages.

1963. Fourth Printing, 1996.

178 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Tales of Old Orlando
Tales of Old Orlando

Tales of Old Orlando (ISBN 0-87012-814-0)

Tales of Old Orlando

ISBN 0-87012-814-0

by David Parmer

Tales of Old Orlando is the author's effort to preserve the history of this old railroad town, Orlando in Lewis County, West Virginia, which has nearly vanished from the map. With over 300 photos, this title is a must for anyone connected to the town or people of Orlando. Paperback. 408 pages. Another book by this author is Uncle Zeke The Bard of Buzzardtown.


13 Inventory
@ $45.00 ea.
Tales of Pocahontas County
Tales of Pocahontas County

Tales of Pocahontas County (ISBN 0-685-61019-5)

Tales of Pocahontas County

ISBN 0-685-61019-5

by George D. McNeill

Brief sketches of incidents of Pocahontas County, West Virginia history. A set of stories written by a master taleteller. Paperback. 56 pages.

1958. Second Printing, 1991.

5 Inventory
@ $7.00 ea.
Tales of the South Branch and Old Hampshire
Tales of the South Branch and Old Hampshire

Tales of the South Branch and Old Hampshire (ISBN 0-87012-916-3)

Tales of the South Branch and Old Hampshire

ISBN 0-87012-916-3

The stories of J. S. Zimmerman came to me many years ago in the form of a small homemade booklet with a pale green cover titled, RECOLLECTIONS.

I was fresh off of the publication of the Hanging Rock Rebel: Lt. Blue’s War in the Shenandoah Valley and West Virginia. I was looking for someone to tell a story. Writing has never been my “thing”, but I certainly know a good story when I read one. Both Lt. Blue and Mr. Zimmerman could certainly tell a good story!

I can’t even remember where I found the RECOLLECTIONS book; an auction, a gift; or just a lucky find. Immediately, I began typing the story (pre-scanner days) and once that was finished, I moved along on my plans for publication.

At the time I was serving as president of the newly formed W. Va. Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Foundation and the Zimmerman Family were interested in donating to the school in honor of a past generation of relatives who worked at the school. From a letter dated Oct. 9, 1998, from Mrs. Archie Oliver Jenkins, II, “Penny”, granddaughter of Mr. Zimmerman,

“The real connection with the West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind is more through personal relationships than through blood relationship – Kitty Campbell Zimmerman McCracken and Mildred Sites Zimmerman both taught at the Schools, as did more recently a cousin, Mary Rose Pancake Hicks; and as I have told you, I even spent several nights ‘sleeping over’ at the school with the superintendent’s daughter, Mary Harris, in my growing up years when I was visiting Romney. In addition, the Zimmerman’s were quite close to the Seton [Seaton] Family too; so our present interest in the school is actually a natural continuation of a long-term relationship with the school itself and with a number of people connected to the school.”

Plans for publication were waylaid that year by work and life in general. It wasn’t until 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic that I was motivated to work on this project and had the time to it.

As you will be able to surmise in the biography of Mr. Zimmerman, he was a well-educated man, but as with all men of the early to mid-20th century, he was remarkably diverse in his interest. Not only was he an accomplished attorney, a member of the W. Va. House of Delegates but he was also an avid outdoorsman, as a bass fisherman and a turkey hunter.

His time spent with his peers, both in the woods and out, would have been something to behold. I think it would have been very interesting to be a “fly on the wall” while these men sat around the Courthouse and told stories.

His recollections are rarely dated and told in a way that reflects a less complicated time. This was on the front page of the original book:

Father wrote these stories while he was recuperating from an illness during the latter part of his life, and I have transcribed them for the pleasure of his children.

M. E. K. (Mary Elizabeth Kump) [his daughter]


6 Inventory
@ $16.00 ea.
Talking out of School
Talking out of School

Talking out of School (ISBN 0-87012-895-7)

Talking out of School

ISBN 0-87012-895-7

by Lexsana Pilewski-Carr

Occasionally my husband and I act like we’re important people (Republicans), like people in smoking jackets and rich brocade lady jackets (stained jeans and “West Virginia Cutie” T-shirts). We sip our finest tea (ice-cold Coke Zero in measuring cups when dishes are washing) and dive into (we don’t swim) the minefield of education (Boom!) We recall rousing key events (hell-on-earth whole chapters) of productive moments (all students awake) in our own teaching careers. During one busy morning (of drooling nothingness), I decided to publish my “essoir” (essay parts morphed into a memoir). Husband’s interest piqued (feigned).

“So, should I finish that book I started ten years ago? A memoir, maybe?” (begging the question), I asked him one evening as we ate smoked salmon at the table (popcorn in our lounge chairs).

“A memoir? Of what, teaching? Do teachers do that? I don’t think I ever read a memoir by a teacher,” he reflected, deeply (never taking his transfixed eyes off a NASCAR race).

That was my epiphany about the profession both of us had just polished off like donuts (teachers’ holy wafers). The inference from his teacher-author memoir question was that the reading public (some actually can read, and still read actual books), would resist parting with $17.95 to buy anything written by a teacher (profession with apparent zero side talent, but still manages to teach all the earth’s other professions). The second inference was that teachers’ supposed lackluster lives lack a life because they are machines who never, ever veer from a forty-year daily grind. To paraphrase Lin Manuel Miranda (who knows about love of any kind and that mildly successful musical surrounding a ten-dollar bill on Broadway): “Teaching is teaching is teaching is teaching….”

We ruminated in the Hamptons one patriotic weekend (upon our hilltop mini patio, twirling sparklers), and let the juices flow (grilling hamburgers on a $19.99 Walmart lopsided charcoal grill).

“You’d better do the memoir while it’s still all fresh in your head,” hubby said (meaning, write it down NOW, before you ask me each morning why the Easter eggs are all dyed brown and hidden in an Eggland carton in the fridge).

“I intend to, and I am going to get started tomorrow!” said I (meaning in a future decade).

“Good, because no one else can tell your story but you.” (silently repeating the earlier question, but only in his head: Do teachers write memoirs, really? Well...better not quit my retirement job.)

I had a rich story to tell (and private parts not to tell), something out-of-the-box, epic-like (marginally appealing, with that pity clap feel, destined never to become a major motion picture, like The Bouncy Castle or Thursdays with Sidney or Goodbye, Mr. Cheetos). Paperback. 328 pages.


17 Inventory
@ $17.95 ea.
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- Butterfly Dreams
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- Butterfly Dreams

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- Butterfly Dreams (ISBN 0-87012-956-2)

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- Butterfly Dreams

ISBN 0-87012-956-2

By Martin and Delia Wach

Wanted - Butterfly Watchers

No Experience Necessary -- Hours Flexible -- Territory Unlimited -- A Rewarding Experience for the Inquisitive

Butterfly gardening is one of life’s gifts. Although nectar plants are very important in your butterfly garden, research has shown that the most effective way to attract butterflies is to make sure you study and plant the correct host plants. Host plants are what the caterpillars eat, and in most cases, these plants are specific to each butterfly species. Butterflies can find these plants from long distances. Juba and her friends in the village are now butterfly farming. Juba feels that these beautiful creatures have a way of uplifting the soul. They are truly magical creatures. This is her way of demonstrating to all the children of the world that her rain forest home must be protected. Paperback. 36 pages.

9 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- The Great West Virginia Snow Adventure
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- The Great West Virginia Snow Adventure

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- The Great West Virginia Snow Adventure (ISBN 0-87012-958-9)

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- The Great West Virginia Snow Adventure

ISBN 0-87012-958-9

By Martin and Delia Wach

The Rain Forest Teddy Bears want to see snow more than anything. They smuggle themselves to the USA to Fairfax Elementary School in West Virginia. Find out if they get to help build that snowman they dream about! Children of the Rain Forest in South America get to be pen pals with children in West Virginia. They exchange gifts through the Teddy Bears and learn not only about a very different climate but promote cultural understanding. Paperback. 32 pages.

2007. Reprinted 2024.

19 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- A Magical Adventure
Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- A Magical Adventure

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- A Magical Adventure (ISBN 0-87012-957-0)

Teddy Bear Guardians of the Rain Forest -- A Magical Adventure

ISBN 0-87012-957-0

By Martin and Delia Wach

All of the earth’s rain forests are at risk of being destroyed because people are going in and cutting down the trees for commercial purposes. During the past decade, the largest intact rain forest in the world -- located primarily in the South American countries of Suriname, French Guiana and Guiana, and in Brazil’s Upper Amazon -- has become the center of the pressure to clear cut vast tracts of virgin rain forest. (When forests are clear cut, all of the trees are cut down, rather than just the old trees being removed to make room for new growth.) Our teddy bear guardians of the rain forest will take us into this magical place, and show us what makes it so special and so important to preserve for future generations. Paperback. 32 pages.

19 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
Their Name Means Medicine: The Story of the Myers Family
Their Name Means Medicine: The Story of the Myers Family

Their Name Means Medicine: The Story of the Myers Family (ISBN 0-87012-734-9)

Their Name Means Medicine: The Story of the Myers Family

ISBN 0-87012-734-9

by Barbara Smith

Dr. J.W. Myers and his wife and their descendants have set a high standard for health care in north-central West Virginia. Dr. Myers and his wife, Lennie, and their sons moved from Nestorville where he started the Myers Remedy Company to Philippi in 1910, establishing the Myers Clinic-Hospital and later Broaddus Hospital. This is an epic story of a family which has benefited thousands of people in West Virginia and far beyond. Paperback. 144 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Barbour County, West Virginia
They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Barbour County, West Virginia

They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Barbour County, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-599-0)

They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Barbour County, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-599-0

by Odie Velta Nestor Chapman

Cemetery Records of Barbour County, West Virginia up to 1995. 182 cemeteries listed. Paperback. 300 pages. Other books by the author include They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Tucker County, West Virginia.


41 Inventory
@ $39.95 ea.
They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Tucker County, West Virginia
They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Tucker County, West Virginia

They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Tucker County, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-592-3)

They Rest Quietly -- Cemetery Records of Tucker County, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-592-3

by Odie Velta Nestor Chapman

Cemetery records of Tucker County, West Virginia with an updated supplement from 1985-1997. Paperback. 192 pages. Other books by this author include Cemetery Records of Barbour County.

1985. Reprinted 1998.

44 Inventory
@ $39.95 ea.
Thoughts From This Side
Thoughts From This Side

Thoughts From This Side (ISBN 0-87012-927-9)

Thoughts From This Side

ISBN 0-87012-927-9

by Jack H. Albert, Jr.

The title of this collection Thoughts from This Side derives its name in part; from a life experience Jack Albert shared halfway around the world while a college student. Albert participated in Operation Cross Roads Africa, traveling to Botswana Africa in the summer of 1969, the end of his junior year at his beloved Glenville State College in West Virginia. He worked in Sehitwha Village to build a teacher’s hut. One of his African co-workers would leave the worksite every evening stopping at the gate with the invitation, “come This Side.” One evening Albert went “This Side” into the village with his new friend, it changed his life forever. These poems may not change your life, but it is the hope of the writer one or more of them will give you a new way to think about things, understand others, or maybe yourself. Read and enjoy.

7 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
Through Our Eyes
Through Our Eyes

Through Our Eyes (ISBN 0-87012-668-7 )

Through Our Eyes

ISBN 0-87012-668-7

by Voices from the Campus of Burlington United Methodist Family Services, Inc.

This book was written by a group of at-risk youth who wanted to help raise the funds to build their own youth chapel in which to worship. They have revealed their innermost thoughts and feelings to produce this illustrated book which covers the issues of faith, friends, family, feelings and future. A limited number of copies available. Paperback. 128 pages. See also

Sowing Seeds.


3 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
Thumbprints in the Tracks of Time
Thumbprints in the Tracks of Time

Thumbprints in the Tracks of Time (ISBN 0-87012-919-8)

Thumbprints in the Tracks of Time

ISBN 0-87012-919-8

by Lois Caplinger

A personal book of poetry -- "My hope is that those who read these words will relate to something in their memory that will be a link to bind us together."

16 Inventory
To: Adam & Katie -- Nice Things Said About Your Grandpa
To: Adam & Katie -- Nice Things Said About Your Grandpa

To: Adam & Katie -- Nice Things Said About Your Grandpa (ISBN 0-87012-856-6)

To: Adam & Katie -- Nice Things Said About Your Grandpa

ISBN 0-87012-856-6

by Edwin F. Flowers

This eighty-five-year-old author has served as a nationally recognized state administrator, an appellate court justice, a federal judge, a university vice president, and as an author of a computer book for grandparents and three hundred sources collected from these careers. Paperback. 140 pages.


10 Inventory
@ $44.95 ea.
Touched by a Rainbow
Touched by a Rainbow

Touched by a Rainbow (ISBN 0-9665830-0-0)

Touched by a Rainbow

ISBN 0-9665830-0-0

by Catherine McCracken Burnett

Adria Hilburn Manary

Teacher and student have come together to compile an exquisite array of poems that will touch the hearts of all generations and those to come. Paperback. 144 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $11.95 ea.
Training For Success -- 101 Lessons Learned on the Journey
Training For Success -- 101 Lessons Learned on the Journey

Training For Success -- 101 Lessons Learned on the Journey (ISBN 0-87012-784-5)

Training For Success -- 101 Lessons Learned on the Journey

ISBN 0-87012-784-5

by Mary Lou Gurski

Since launching her own training and consulting company in 1990, Training for Success, Mary Lou Gurski has become one of the most sought-after speakers within our industry of property management. Having been inducted into the Educational Hall of Fame in Charlotte, North Carolina, she has a portfolio of over 200,000 trained professionals and provides consulting and training for over 300 top companies. Mary Lou receives the highest ratings and standing ovations at local and national conventions throughout the country. With Mary Lou’s exceptional one-on-one training style, your company is certain to achieve the highest level of success! Paperback. 142 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $14.95 ea.
Tuckahoe Holler
Tuckahoe Holler

Tuckahoe Holler (ISBN 0-87012-760-8)

Tuckahoe Holler

ISBN 0-87012-760-8

by Betty L. Sheridan

A fictional novel about Sylvia Anderson, a woman on the downhill side of her fifties, who has lost everything and turns to the land to survive. Set in the Appalachian Mountains, this is a story of grit and determination, two assets possessed in abundance by many of the people in this hardscrabble area. Against all odds, she rebuilds her life and learns to be independent and strong, providing not only for herself but for young Annie, who comes to live with her. Meanwhile, her husband James, who has met with foul play, has to rebuild his own life under vastly different circumstances. Paperback. 240 pages.


4 Inventory
@ $14.99 ea.
Tumult on the Mountains Lumbering in West Virginia, 1770-1920
Tumult on the Mountains Lumbering in West Virginia, 1770-1920

Tumult on the Mountains Lumbering in West Virginia, 1770-1920 ( ISBN 0-87012-004-2 )

Tumult on the Mountains Lumbering in West Virginia, 1770-1920

ISBN 0-87012-004-2

by Roy B. Clarkson

A truly entertaining and historical book with educational merit. 257 fullpage-photos. Hardbound, dust jacket. 416 pages. Another book by this author is On Beyond Leatherbark: The Cass Saga.

1964. Twelfth Printing, 2008.

667 Inventory
@ $42.00 ea.
Tunes From the Tug
Tunes From the Tug

Tunes From the Tug (ISBN 0-87012-740-3)

Tunes From the Tug

ISBN 0-87012-740-3

by Franklin G. Smith

Poetry covering every facet of life. Many of the poems in Franklin Smith’s collection are musically written and all are enjoyable for young and old alike. Paperback. 128 pages.


6 Inventory
@ $10.95 ea.
Uncle Zeke: The Bard of Buzzardtown
Uncle Zeke: The Bard of Buzzardtown

Uncle Zeke: The Bard of Buzzardtown (ISBN 0-87012-825-6)

Uncle Zeke: The Bard of Buzzardtown

ISBN 0-87012-825-6

by David Parmer

Before the birth of Will Rogers, the Oil Creek valley, wedged between the communities of Orlando and Burnsville, gave rise to another witty and sardonic fellow by the name of Patrick Newton Blake. In addition to the names of "P.N." and "Newt," he answered journalistically to the name of "Uncle Zeke" for a span of over forty years. In his weekly comments in the Weston Independent and Braxton Democrat newspapers. In his weekly comments, he regaled the readers about the comings and goings of the folk of "Buzzard Town," his mythical home community. Hardbound with dust jacket. 144 pages. Another title by this author is Tales of Old Orlando.


8 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Untitled Words From My Soul
Untitled Words From My Soul

Untitled Words From My Soul (ISBN 0-87012-858-2)

Untitled Words From My Soul

ISBN 0-87012-858-2

by E. Lee Chafin

Untitled poems of life -- joys, tears, and hardships all brought together in the pates of this author's first book of poetry. Paperback. 48 pages.


11 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake
Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake

Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake (ISBN 0-87012-915-5)

Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake

ISBN 0-87012-915-5

by Brenda Tokarz

In the hills of West Virginia from 1934 to 1938 came the Great Depression, when lots of bootleggers and moonshiners roamed the hillsides, building stills to sell illegal liquor, only to be caught by revenuers. People hopped on the side of trains traveling from state to state looking for work, they were called “The Train Riders” along with gypsies and hobos. Many were without work until the building of Tygart Dam, started by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, a product of the Public Works Administration, to put men back to work. Men came from all over the United States seeking employment. With hundreds of new people in town, bringing their families with them, many arrests were made, murders and stabbings took place, some sent to prison, land was taken by the government, floods destroyed businesses, homes, and animals drowned in the aftermath. Men fell to their deaths in the stillness of the night. Families lived in fear not knowing who the next victim might be when they heard the sirens on the ambulances speeding by. Paperback. 248 pages. Another book by this author is Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake -- Cecil, Sandy, Stone House, Cove Run, Moatsville, Yates, Parkview, Grafton.


Out of Stock
Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake -- Cecil, Sandy, Stone House, Cove Run, Moatsville, Yates, Parkview, Grafton
Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake -- Cecil, Sandy, Stone House, Cove Run, Moatsville, Yates, Parkview, Grafton

Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake -- Cecil, Sandy, Stone House, Cove Run, Moatsville, Yates, Parkview, Grafton (ISBN 0-87012-960-0)

Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake -- Cecil, Sandy, Stone House, Cove Run, Moatsville, Yates, Parkview, Grafton

ISBN 0-87012-960-0

By Brenda Tokarz

In 2015 I decided to pursue my dream of writing. Writing all the stories that my mother told me about living near Tygart. There were bootleggers, moonshiners, train riders, hobos and gypsies that roamed the hills. A lot of stills in the area, hid behind the brush and deep in the woods. It was a common thing to jump on the side of a train and ride to wherever you wanted to go. Many people fell beneath the wheels and were decapitated. The “night riders” rode the trains at night looking for moonshine being hidden in suitcases and caskets. The dead were brought home on the trains to their final resting place and funerals were held in the home of the deceased. The city park was filled with cottages on both sides of the river, and the ferry and streetcars carried people to and from the park. Many drownings took place in the city park, and along the Tygart Valley River. The stories you have read are all true stories from 1906-1934 that took place along the Tygart Valley River. Paperback. 252 pages. Another book by this author is Untold Stories and History of Tygart Lake.


24 Inventory
@ $30.00 ea.
Upland Alleghenies, The -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts
Upland Alleghenies, The -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts

Upland Alleghenies, The -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts (ISBN 0-87012-837-X)

Upland Alleghenies, The -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts

ISBN 0-87012-837-X

by Bob Fala

From the Hatfield-McCoy Feud country of its southern Coalfields to its highlands at Canaan Valley, experience the Upland Alleghenies of West Virginia. Visit the hunting coverts of the ruffed grouse, American woodcock, and a Bobwhite quail or two for good measure. Travel with the hunters, and their bird dogs for all the adventures, trials, and tribulations along the way. Paperback. 168 pages. Another title by this author is Ramblin' Outdoors.


15 Inventory
@ $21.95 ea.
The Upland Alleghenies -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts
The Upland Alleghenies -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts

The Upland Alleghenies -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts (ISBN 0-87012-841-8)

The Upland Alleghenies -- Sixteen Years of West Virginia Woodcock and Grouse Coverts

ISBN 0-87012-841-8

by Bob Fala

From the Hatfield-McCoy Feud country of its southern Coalfields to its highlands at Canaan Valley, experience the Upland Alleghenies of West Virginia. Visit the hunting coverts of the ruffed grouse, American woodcock, and a Bobwhite quail or two for good measure. Travel with the hunters, and their bird dogs for all the adventures, trials, and tribulations along the way. Hardbound with dust jacket. 168 pages. Another title by this author is Ramblin' Outdoors.


2 Inventory
@ $39.95 ea.
Upland Forests of West Virginia
Upland Forests of West Virginia

Upland Forests of West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-509-5)

Upland Forests of West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-509-5

by Steven L. Stephenson

This book represents the joint effort of more than twenty individuals, all of whom are leading authorities in their respective fields. It is a comprehensive source of basic information on the biota and general ecology of the subalpine coniferous and northern hardwood forests that occur at elevations above 3,000 feet in the mountains of eastern Virginia. Hardbound. 308 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $28.50 ea.
Using Your Head -- Collection of Short Stories
Using Your Head -- Collection of Short Stories

Using Your Head -- Collection of Short Stories (ISBN 0-87012-699-7)

Using Your Head -- Collection of Short Stories

ISBN 0-87012-699-7

by Pauline Harrison

Collections of short stories portraying valuable character-building lessons learned from parents, grandparents, and other concerned adults and youthful friends in real-life settings. One youth found herself a lone survivor of an airplane crash in the mountains, among strange people whose language she couldn't understand, and it was seven long years before she found her way home. The characters in these stories sometimes faced unsurmountable circumstances with patience, hope, faith and courage. Each USED THEIR HEAD to the utmost in meeting the challenge they faced. Paperback. 104 Pages. Another book by this author is Victorious Thinking.


5 Inventory
@ $8.00 ea.
Victorious Thinking
Victorious Thinking

Victorious Thinking (ISBN 0-87012-701-2)

Victorious Thinking

ISBN 0-87012-701-2

by Pauline Harrison

The joy of these Basic Bible Lessons for the author is in her hunger to inspire her many youthful friends to make the right choices in life; to help them to inspire others. Paperback. 100 pages. Another book by this author is Using Your Head.


4 Inventory
@ $8.00 ea.
A Wayfaring Sineater and Other Tales of Appalachia
A Wayfaring Sineater and Other Tales of Appalachia

A Wayfaring Sineater and Other Tales of Appalachia (ISBN 0-87012-464-1)

A Wayfaring Sineater and Other Tales of Appalachia

ISBN 0-87012-464-1

by James Gay Jones

Descendants of those who settled in the isolated section of mid-Appalachia have preserved a legacy. Experiences were embellished with their vivid imaginations. From this rich source of mountain lore have come the tales presented in this book. Paperback. 128 pages. Other books by this author include Haunted Valley, Appalachian Ghost Stories and More Appalachian Folk Tales.

1983. Third Printing, 2005.

38 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
Weeds and Flowers in Our Garden
Weeds and Flowers in Our Garden

Weeds and Flowers in Our Garden (ISBN 0-87012-860-4)

Weeds and Flowers in Our Garden

ISBN 0-87012-860-4

by Duane Wolfe

This book was written to show how childhood experiences can mold our adulthood if we allow the weeds or the bad experiences of the past to control our behavior in the present and future. Paperback. 200 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $15.00 ea.
WESAP -- Weirton Steel Employee Stock Annihilation Plan
WESAP -- Weirton Steel Employee Stock Annihilation Plan

WESAP -- Weirton Steel Employee Stock Annihilation Plan (ISBN 0-87012-738-1)

WESAP -- Weirton Steel Employee Stock Annihilation Plan

ISBN 0-87012-738-1

by Charles Kruzeski

The Weirton Steel ESOP has been one of the most controversial employee ownership experiments in the United States. In a very readable style, touched with humor, WESAP simplifies even the most complicated business and political Weirton Steel events from the initial bailout of National Steel to the ISG purchase of Weirton Steel. WESAP also includes an extremely interesting historical background with in-depth information and quotes of the founders of Weirton Steel. Paperback. 464 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $24.95 ea.
West Virginia Outdoor Stories
West Virginia Outdoor Stories

West Virginia Outdoor Stories (ISBN 0-87012-883-3)

West Virginia Outdoor Stories

ISBN 0-87012-883-3

by Earl Lyons, Jr.

I was born and raised in McDowell County. I graduated from Welch High in 1959 and from Concord College in 1966. Although I moved out of state after graduation I have returned every year since to visit family and friends.

I have also traveled much of the state to fish, hike and sightsee. Now retired, I still visit West Virginia every year to explore new places and to return to the areas familiar to me.

My storytelling began when I took notes as a youngster about my fishing experiences. I wrote down methods and techniques about fishing that I learned on my own; in addition to tips and advice that my relatives and friends that I fished with, gave to me.

As time went by I started to include some of my fishing partners in my how–to–catch fish articles. The three fishing stories in this book (Trout Fishing-A Family Tradition, My Fishing Buddy, and Big Wild Trout-In Elkhorn Creek?) evolved to be as much about the characters that I fished with as about the art of catching fish.

The story “The Cheerful Botanist” was written in tribute to my favorite biology teacher, Dr. Ellis Meade McNeill. From my “notes and quotes” I put together a sentimental summary of the times I spent with him at Concord College.

Another story close to my heart that’s included here is “Memories of Summers County and The John Delbert Neelys”. I met them at about age 20 and they became my close friends and have been an influence and inspiration to me throughout life. Paperback. 160 pages.


Out of Stock
Western Waters -- Early Settlers of Eastern Barbour County, West Virginia
Western Waters -- Early Settlers of Eastern Barbour County, West Virginia

Western Waters -- Early Settlers of Eastern Barbour County, West Virginia (ISBN 0-87012-778-0)

Western Waters -- Early Settlers of Eastern Barbour County, West Virginia

ISBN 0-87012-778-0

by Violet Gadd Coontz

First published in 1991, Violet Coonts' book on the early settlers of the Middle Tygart Valley took 18 years to research. Available again in a new edition, this book is a must for anyone researching family roots in 18th and early 19th century Barbour County. This is the definitive book on early settlers in this region, and should be in every West Virginia history collection.

Paperback. 464 pages.

1991. Third Edition, 2008.

15 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
What Happened To Our Great American Industries -- Keep America Free
What Happened To Our Great American Industries -- Keep America Free

What Happened To Our Great American Industries -- Keep America Free (ISBN 0-87012-801-9)

What Happened To Our Great American Industries -- Keep America Free

ISBN 0-87012-801-9

by Joseph Thomas, Jr.

A detailed look into the changes of industry in the United States. Paperback. 36 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
What My Granddadday Taught Me About Handguns
What My Granddadday Taught Me About Handguns

What My Granddadday Taught Me About Handguns (ISBN 0-87012-605-9)

What My Granddadday Taught Me About Handguns

ISBN 0-87012-605-9

by William Vincent "Billy" Hill

Will 28,000 people continue to be killed each year by handguns or not? Will they live or will they die? The choice is yours. Paperback. 64 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $6.00 ea.
Where Virgins Abound
Where Virgins Abound

Where Virgins Abound (ISBN 0-9621743-0-0)

Where Virgins Abound

ISBN 0-9621743-0-0

by Harold L. Crist

Around the turn of the century Pocahontas County and surrounding areas became a mecca for those seeking to reap the stands of virgin timber. The hardwoods of oak, hickory, maple, and birch grew on the slopes and valleys while the pines and spruce crowned the Appalachians. The saw soon changed the scenic beauty of these towering sentinels to stubble and waste, leaving scars that would take years to heal. Railroads radiating from the main hub into the hollows brought logs to the swollen streams that carried them to the mill where powerful saws ripped them into aromatic slivers to be shipped to the eastern markets. Today remains of this glorious era can still be seen. Where Virgins Abound is of this era. Fact or fiction, true or make-believe--only the mind needs to make a distinction. Paperback. 106 pages.

1989. Reprinted 2000.

7 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
White Oak, West Virginia Alias Volcano (The Resurrection of a Ghost Town)
White Oak, West Virginia Alias Volcano (The Resurrection of a Ghost Town)

White Oak, West Virginia Alias Volcano (The Resurrection of a Ghost Town) (ISBN 0-87012-830-2)

White Oak, West Virginia Alias Volcano (The Resurrection of a Ghost Town)

ISBN 0-87012-830-2

by Linwood H. Lowden

As one walks with the ghosts amid the hills and through the gullies of old Volcano, reminders of many layers of history are everywhere...History is a matter of constant change. So it is with Volcano. Hardbound. 244 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Why Not Smile -- A Memoir of the Early Life of John Kormos
Why Not Smile -- A Memoir of the Early Life of John Kormos

Why Not Smile -- A Memoir of the Early Life of John Kormos (ISBN 0-87012-768-3 )

Why Not Smile -- A Memoir of the Early Life of John Kormos

ISBN 0-87012-768-3

by Thelma Kormos

Although surrounded by other children, life in the orphanage was lonely. Not only had I lost my father, but I had now lost my brothers and sisters. I was seven years old and I missed my family. During the day I smiled and tried to be friendly and cooperative but sometimes at night when everyone was asleep, I would cover up my head and cry quietly. Hardbound. 272 pages.


3 Inventory
@ $33.00 ea.
A Wiggly Spider A Slug A Salamander and ......the Bug!
A Wiggly Spider A Slug A Salamander and ......the Bug!

A Wiggly Spider A Slug A Salamander and ......the Bug! (ISBN 0-87012-649-0)

A Wiggly Spider A Slug A Salamander and ......the Bug!

ISBN 0-87012-649-0

by Ann Weaver

A children's book that follows the exciting adventure of the Bug and his friends. Paperback. 16 pages. 2000. Reprinted, 2019. A second book by this author is A Blue Sky A Butterfly A Sneaky Spider and … The Bug!

2000. Reprinted 2019.

12 Inventory
@ $9.95 ea.
Wild is the Country
Wild is the Country

Wild is the Country (ISBN 0-87012-462-5)

Wild is the Country

ISBN 0-87012-462-5

by Marvin G. Miller

Creative and thoughtful poetry from a West Virginia author. Paperback. 92 pages. Another book by this author is Songs and Poems of Loafer's Valley.


5 Inventory
@ $10.00 ea.
The Wild Violets of Spring Bank
The Wild Violets of Spring Bank

The Wild Violets of Spring Bank (ISBN 0-87012-855-8)

The Wild Violets of Spring Bank

ISBN 0-87012-855-8

by Nancy K. Nydam

Forty years ago I jotted down some of the events that I recalled from my childhood. I shared the writings done in the early 1970s with my eldest sister. Now I share them with you. The author. Paperback. 212 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $16.95 ea.
Would I Be a Lawyer, Again?
Would I Be a Lawyer, Again?

Would I Be a Lawyer, Again? (ISBN 0-87012-731-4)

Would I Be a Lawyer, Again?

ISBN 0-87012-731-4

by D. Grove Moler

D. Grove Moler was an attorney in Wyoming County for over 70 years. At the age of 96, Mr. Moler penned many of his experiences with the judicial system and his clients in this entertaining and educational book about the law in West Virginia. Paperback. 208 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $25.00 ea.
Yellow Giant
Yellow Giant

Yellow Giant (ISBN 0-87012-777-2)

Yellow Giant

ISBN 0-87012-777-2

by Rev. David Brown

I got the title for my book when I saw the expressions on the faces of these kids the first time they stepped upon the bus -- it sure looked like a giant. The first thing you see is a set of eyes get real big, and they can’t say anything, that is until they set down with their friend – then the shock is over. I’ve been preaching for thirty-eight years, seen a lot of things in the ministry and everywhere I went I always had time for the children and made them part of the church service. Then a failed marriage and the loss of my two kids to their mother -- I missed those kids so much but I’ve always trusted in God for His help, so he gave me a whole bunch of kids for the school bus. I drove for twenty-six years, as well as four years on the Board of Education and I still love kids. Paperback. 40 pages.


5 Inventory
@ $12.00 ea.
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